Mathieu Lacage will give a talk in Berkeley this Wednesday,
May 21, with a progress report on the ns-3 simulator:

A talk by Mathieu Lacage at ICSI on Wednesday, May 21, at 2 PM.

A Progress Report on the ns-3 Network Simulator

Mathieu Lacage is one of the main developers for the ns-3 simulator.
He works at INRIA (the French National Institute for Research in
Computer Science and Control), and is visiting the University of
Washington for six months.

Intended to eventually replace the popular ns-2 simulator, ns-3 aims to
retain the successful features of ns-2, while remedying some complaints
about it. In this presentation, we will describe the design of ns-3 and
how it relates to some of its long-term goals, such as improving the
integration of simulation tools with real-world applications and
experimentation testbeds.

Location of ICSI in Berkeley:

- Sally

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