Hello Tom,

If you remember some ns-2.34 validation tests failed on my machine (MAC OS 
Lion, 10.7.3, Intel Core i7), so I installed ns-2-35 and still the validation 
failed for:

 ./test-all-tcpLinux ./test-all-tcpHighspeed    /test-all-red ./test-all-cbq

Then you proposed that I send the output of ./validate >& validate.log to you, 
but I have not yet received any news from you or some one else regarding this 
problem (so I forward my last email  again , see below). 

BTW, in your last email, you said that:

"If you aren't using these specific models in your work, you have less to worry 

I would like to do some simulations for IEEE 802.11 MAC layer and also use some 
routing protocols , for sure
that validation tests failures for TCP will not be a problem, my only concern 
is that these tests fail:

/test-all-red ./test-all-cbq

Do you think that will cause a problem for my simulations if I these models do 
not work properly on my machine?

Thanks in advance for your reply,
Kind regards,

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Behnaz Bostanipour <behnaz.bostanip...@unil.ch>
> Subject: Re: [ns] ns-2.34 validation tests fail (64bit-processor)
> Date: 10 août 2012 16:53:33 HAEC
> To: behnaz.bostanip...@unil.ch
> Thanks for your reply. If I understood well, I should execute this in my 
> terminal:
> ./validate >& validate.log
> But this results to no output on the terminal and I cannot bring back the 
> command prompt unless by pressing (ctrl+c).
> Actually I found in folder /Users/username/ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35, a 
> "validate.log" that I send to you in the attachment.
> Although I don't think that it's relevant to failures of validation tests, 
> but actually I had to do some changes in "install" file in order to be able 
> to install both ns2.34 and ns2.35 on my machine (precisely my machine is a 
> 10.7.3, Intel Core i7) . In fact with both versions of ns2, after running the 
> ./install I got this error:
> ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 
> make: *** [otclsh] Error 1 
> otcl-1.14 make failed! Exiting ...
> So wherever I had "./configure..." in "install" file, I added the following:
>  --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include 
> CFLAGS="-framework CoreFoundation" 
> An example of my changes in "install" file can be found below (the line that 
> I added is bold):
> echo "============================================================"
> echo "* Build OTcl-$OTCLVER"
> echo "============================================================"
> cd ./otcl-$OTCLVER
> blame='Please check http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-problems.html
> for common problems and bug fixes.'
> if  [ "${test_cygwin}" = "true" ]; then
>         ./configure --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib 
> --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --with-tcl-ver=$TCLVER --with-tk-ver=$TKVER 
> --disable-shlib || die "otcl-$OTCLVER configuration failed! Exiting ...";
>       ..........
> else
>         ./configure --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib 
> --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include CFLAGS="-framework CoreFoundation" 
> --with-tcl-ver=$TCLVER --with-tk-ver=$TKVER || die "otcl-$OTCLVER 
> configuration failed! Exiting ...";
>          .........
> fi
> cd ..
> # Build tclcl
> Just in case I send you my install file in the attachment.
> Thanks,
> Best,
> Behnaz
> On 10 août 2012, at 07:18, Tom Henderson wrote:
>> On 08/09/2012 08:59 AM, behnaz.bostanip...@unil.ch wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for your reply. I installed ns2.35 and actually the
>>> majority of these problems are solved. But still these tests
>>> fail:
>>> validate overall report: some tests failed:
>>>      ./test-all-tcpLinux ./test-all-tcpHighspeed
>>> /test-all-red ./test-all-cbq
>>> whith a closer look I noticed this error message for these
>>> tests:
>>> "couldn't execute "xgraph": no such file or directory"
>> This shouldn't cause validation errors.
>> I don't have a 10.7 64-bit test machine at my disposal so I can't try to 
>> reproduce at the moment.  I have 10.6.8 32-bit machine which doesn't 
>> exhibit that.  I also have a newly-upgraded 10.8 64-bit machine, but 
>> there are other issues related to X11 changes in Mountain Lion that, for 
>> now, are blocking me to test it there.
>> Anyway, I would suggest to send to me or post to the tracker [*] the 
>> output of this:
>> ./validate >& validate.log
>> so that someone can look at the specific errors reported.  If you aren't 
>> using these specific models in your work, you have less to worry about.
>> - Tom
>> [*] http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=149743&atid=775392

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