A new TCP scheme called Congestion Coherence was proposed  and as well
created by Chunlei et al.  (2007). The researchers published a paper
entitled as a " A Unified TCP Enhancement for Wireless Mesh Networks ". In that 
paper one can find the proposed TCP scheme known as CC. 

According to the findings of Chunlei et al.  (2007)  the new TCP enhancement 
"CC" performs well when compared with Reno, Vegas, DDA and ECN. Please help me 
locate a website that offers TCP CC source code or even patch. 

As well I need RSVP source code.

Abduaziz  Oumer M.Sc.IT
Northern University of Malaysia
Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
College of Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Information Technology, 06010 
UUMSintok,Kedah,                 Phone:+60142276220
  M A L A Y S I A       


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