Pipers All, hello and greetings.

   Reminder - March meeting is on 3rd.

   The next three dates for our monthly meetings are 31st March, 5th May
   and 2nd June.
   The usual venue and times. All are welcome.  Manchester Group of
   Northumbrian Pipers meet at the Grove Lane Baptist Church, Pingate Lane
   South (off Grove Lane), Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle SK8 7NP. Meetings are
   from 1400hrs to 1700hrs with a cup of tea and a biscuit mid-session. If
   you are travelling a distance please check with Tom Mullen 0161 485
   6765 or Neil Tavernor [1]neiltaver...@btinternet.com that the church
   have not asked us to move the date.

   Cheers Neil



   1. file://localhost/net/people/lute-arc/L9272-5543TMP.html

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