I once wondered if the ballad fits the tune - can you sing it in 9/4?

   The answer is a tentative yes... But it isn't as obvious as I'd like.

   I have not checked every verse.

   The ballad seems to be a local analogue of a Robin Hood one, with
   Carlisle for Nottingham etc,

   Adam a Bell is not the Robin Hood figure - that job went to William of

   But who had it first is a question I won't go into - except that the
   Borders, and borders in general,

   have always been better bandit country than middles of countries.



   In a message dated 29/02/2012 05:53:51 GMT Standard Time,
   dir...@gmail.com writes:

         Many thanks to Julia Say for selecting a classic tune for March.
        Julia writes:
        William Dixon's "Adam a Bell" and its tune family - through the
         "My Dearie  sits ower late up" (and the similar but not
     identical one
        in Clough).
        If any new players find these too intimidating there's a 2 strain
        version in the
        NPS first tunebook.
        Its an old tune whose title commemorates an even older event in
        Border history
        - see the ballad of the same name.
        Dixon's version has 9 strains, Peacock's 5 - I'm sure others must
        these or inserted strains of their own to suit their own taste
        It would be interesting to hear the latest additions.  I'm also
        interested in the
        different rhythmic emphasis occasioned by the 9/4 or 9/8 time
        It goes on both BP and nsp: if anyone wants a transposition of
         version into G for nsp, I can supply either appropriate abc or
        I might even try to find the time to fire up my own recorder and
        on  soundcloud. Mind...I did say "try"!
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