I was poking around for some information on some of the individuals
   involved in the sustainment of the NSP tradition heading into the 20th
   century, and it turns out that the book "The life and letters of John
   Collingwood Bruce of Newcastle-upon-Tyne" is available on GoogleBooks
   for free (having been published in 1905 and thus in the public domain),
   both to read on screen or download to various devices.
   Though not concerned primarily with the NSP, since JCB did a lot of
   other things in his career, a decent number of interesting snippets
   come up if you search the therms "pipe", "pipes" or "small-pipes"
   ("smallpipes" as a term does not appear").
   Just though this may be of interest to other folks interested in
   history.  I can't confirm that it's free in all countries, depending on
   Google's licensing agreements and various jurisdictions, but it's worth
   looking into. Hope someone else might enjoy this as well.


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