The 40th Newcastleton Traditional Music Festival


   takes place 3-5 July. There are piping competitions on the Saturday
   afternoon. I've been asked to judge them and to spread the word.

   Northumbrian Pipes (all classes) 2.30 pm in the Community Room, this is
   followed by Border Pipes (all classes) and in the same venue.

   As there are no rules specified on

   I have agreed the following with the committee -
   Northumbrian Pipes - entrant's choice of 2 tunes of contrasting
   tempo from Northumbrian or Border tradition (open class, at least 1 of
   the tunes to have variations)
   Border Pipes - entrant's choice of 2 tunes of contrasting tempo
   from Border or Northumbrian tradition
   No time limits apply, use your common sense
   The competitions have been struggling for numbers recently but the
   organisers are keen that they continue, I hope some of you can come to
   play and/or listen.




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