>          From the organ loft I can see the bride fairly sprint up the
> aisle and the organist looks in his little rear view mirror to see the
> priest signaling "She's here - cut the music". So we stopped and and
> exchanged a look that said "Shit, we didn't get to the good bit!"

Heh...Reminds me of the time that I, too, played at a wedding for which
the bride wanted HC played for the processional. I was present for the
rehearsal, and there was much more tune than procession. The priest was
trying to cut me off with hand signals, and finally walked over, took me
by the arm, and declared that "nobody wants to hear all of that," and that
I was to stop when the couple were in place before him. After the
rehearsal, the bride came over and asked what the priest had said to me.
Upon my explanation, she said, rather emphatically, "I don't give a damn
what he wants - it's not his wedding! Play the whole tune!" Next day, I
did. It was a beautiful wedding, and a beautiful day.

Thanks for the reminder, Ian!

Southwest Virginia

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