Hello all - I've been asked by the local high school to run an evening class for the smallpipes this Autumn. It's all part of the Queen Elizabeth High School Community & Leisure programme (http://www.qehs.net/) and the 10 week course will start on Sunday 27th Sept (7.30-9.30pm).

The class is aimed at beginners and those new to the instrument; no musical experience required other than some understanding or enthusiasm for the pipes. The focus will be on basic control of the instrument, a firm grounding in playing techniques and building a basic repetoire and understanding of the music of the pipes. Participants will need to provide their own instruments (in 'F'). A simple keyless set would be sufficient for new starters, although a keyed set offers more scope for development

The cost for the term £51.50 - for more information contact QEHS Community & Leisure (01434 610322). The booking forms should be on their site but it looks like they still have the summer term leaflet up.

Alternatively drop me a line if you have any questions.



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