Steve D wrote:

   >>On the Wright Allan's suggestion that he is playing playing NSP to
   connect with his roots....nothing wrong >>with that. If any of us think
   that playing NSP or any other instrument is 'not' a representation of
   our >>identities then we need to look closer.

   Sorry, but I don't understand you. I can see that one's choice of
   instrument can express a certain personality or "character". I can also
   see that growing up in Northumberland, Ireland, Brittany or Scotland -
   with a certain instrument as part of the scenery - might lead you to
   play a certain type of pipe. But I don't see what you mean by
   "identity" here

   I was born on the Isle of Man and spent most of my youth in Liverpool
   (oh the shame! but don't worry, I've had the operation). I took up the
   NSP because I was enraptured by the sound on hearing a Billy Pigg
   recording when I was about 20. How on earth does my playing the NSP
   (and the big bad Highland pipes too) represent my "identity"?

   Just wondering.


   Paul Gretton


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