
LONG tables form a significant part of my thesis. I put the thesis together
entirely in XML and have a "stylesheet" matching that XML into ConTeXt.
While ConTeXt is doing a great job with the rest, split TABLEs are not
working - despite Hans' repeatedly answering my pleas with patches. I
concluded that I might have a problem of my XML-to-ConTeXt matching rather
than ConTeXt itself at hand and pulled a part of my thesis flanking and
including the most unwieldy multipage table into ConTeXt proper (see
attachment). The problems persist and I'd like to poll the accumulated
ConTeXtitians on hints towards a solution of them, specifically:
- split tables without body content
- textbody text and tables "overflowing" the pages.
- multiple splits per page

I'd be very happy about any hints on how to remedy this document-spoiler ...

Thanks, Joh

% Papersize is 'letter'

% CIT thesis regulations: 1 in margins, 1.5 in on the binding side
% Johannes: no footer

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followed by the 'reset' below

% Setup font usage: modern-base/textansi enables things like non-cursive 'mu'

% CIT thesis regulations: double spacing required! (BRRRRR!))

% CIT thesis regulations: "All pages except the title page" to "be numbered at 
least 3/4" from the top of the page" - so globally I fix this to 'no' and 
revisit it in 'frontmatter', 'bodymatter', ...

% Setup paragraph indentation according to CIT proofreader's recommendation

% Setup footnotes to reset the counter by chapter according to CIT 
proofreader's recommendation:

% URLs are supposed to be typeset in typewriter type fonts but sadly this does 
not work ... 

% Take care of title formating:
% a) title numbers are to be typeset in the margin
% b) all titles are to be typeset sans serifs and with decending font size

% Formatting captions
% All captions: font smaller than body text, standard line spacing, as wide as 
the body
% Table captions only: caption precedes the table

% Extra hyphenation  patterns:
\hyphenation{a-ce-to-ni-trile u-bi-qui-tin gu-th-rie}

  Remarkably, our comparative analysis of Gcn5p purifications yielded strong 
candidates for six new Gcn5p interactors. YCR082W, a nonessential gene product 
(Winzeler et al. 1999; Giavert et al. 2002) with unknown function, was found in 
all five Gcn5p purifications but was not recovered with any of the other baits 
that we analyzed. YCR082W exhibits a two--hybrid interaction with Ahc1p (Uetz 
et al. 2000; Ito et al. 2001), which together with Gcn5p is a member of the ADA 
histone acetyltransferase complex (Eberharter et al. 1999). Another candidate 
is Msn4p, a nonessential (Estruch et al. 1993; Winzeler et al. 1999) major 
transcriptional regulator of stress responses (Treger et al. 1998). Msn4p was 
recovered in four of the five Gcn5p pull down experiments but was not recovered 
with any of the other baits. This finding is interesting in the light of 
evidence that promoters activated by Msn4p and its partner Msn2p show increased 
histone H4 acetylation (Deckert et al. 2001). Other p
 otential interaction partners include YPL047W (present in two of the HPM 
purifications and the TAP purification), histones Hta1p/Hta2p and Imd4p (in 
TAP, modified TAP and one HPM pulldown). Other gene products recovered in more 
than two of the experiments are mostly ribosomal proteins that are likely 
contaminants. Finally, the interaction observed between Gcn5p and Swi1p in the 
TAP tag experiment was previously proposed only on the basis of their 
synthetically lethal genetic interaction (Pollard et al 1997).\par
  \subsection{Screening for Interactions}
    Having established the relative reproducibility of TAP--MudPIT and the 
comparability of the HPM tag to other available bipartite affinity tags, we set 
out to address three issues. First, we wished to determine what fraction of 
TAP--MudPIT experiments yield usable results. Second, we hoped to determine 
whether the parallel application of MudPIT to numerous baits would enable us to 
cull nonspecific contaminants by comparing protein identifications across 
multiple experiments. Third, we wanted to test whether it will be feasible for 
an investigator in a cell biology laboratory to work at the scale needed to 
dissect a biological pathway or process by systematic application of MudPIT to 
a few dozen gene products. To address these questions, we screened for new 
protein--protein interactions in a test set of 25 gene products involved in 
transcription and progression through mitosis. Table x.x summarizes the results 
and gives an overview of potential new interactors. The complete
  data set may be found in the supporting online material.\par
            {Potential New Interactors for a Test Set of HPM Tagged Proteins.}
            {{\bf Potential New Interactors for a Test Set of HPM Tagged 
Proteins.} Samples were prepared and analyzed as described in Graumann et al 
(2004). Column ``Known interactors---Total'' lists the number of 
physical/genetic interactions reported for the bait in the combined 
GRID/MIPS/YPD databases. ``Known interactors---Recovered'' represents the 
number of known physical/genetic interactors experimentally retrieved in this 
study. Partners marked ``\,*\,'' are reported to interact physically as well as 
genetically. Column ``Potential new interactors'' contains all gene products 
identified by TAP--MudPIT, which are not listed as known interactors and are 
recovered in association with less than 20\% of the baits analyzed (n=22).}
            \bTD[nr=3,nc=2,bottomframe=on] Bait\eTD
            \bTD[nc=5,bottomframe=on] Known interactors\eTD
            \bTD[nr=3,bottomframe=on] Potential new interactors\eTD
            \bTD[bottomframe=on] Total\eTD
            \bTD[nc=3,bottomframe=on] Recovered\eTD
            \bTD phys./gen.\eTD
            \bTD phys.\eTD
            \bTD genet.\eTD
            \bTD Bim1p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 6/57\eTD
            \bTD 1\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Rpb2p, Rpl12A/Bp, Rpl22Ap, Rps25A/Bp, Rps29Ap, Rps5p, 
            \bTD Cdc20p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD12/3 \eTD
            \bTD 6\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Bub3p, Cct4p, Cct6p, Cct7p, Cct8p, Hef3p, Ilv6p, Pnc1p, 
            \bTD Chk1p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 16/0\eTD
            \bTD Act1p, Car2p, Gpd2p, Hht1p, Hht2p, Htb2p, Htb1p, Htz1p, 
            \bTD Cla4p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 15/77\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Rpl17Bp,\crlf Rpl17Ap,\crlf Rpl19Bp,\crlf Rpl19Ap\eTD
            \bTD Pbp1p, Pre8p, Rpl36Ap, Rpl36Bp, Rpl7Ap, Rpl7Bp, Rpp2Ap, Rps2p, 
Sec23p, Skm1p, YBR225Wp, Yhb1p\eTD
            \bTD Dbf2p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 27/9\eTD
            \bTD 3\eTD
            \bTD Dbf20p,\crlf Mob1p*\eTD
            \bTD Adh5p, Caf20p, Car2p, Cdc33p, Emi2p, Gfa1p, Gly1p, Gpd2p, 
Hsp42p, Ilv6p, Pnc1p, Pro1p, Rib4p, Sec23p, Shm2p, Snf1p, Trp3p, Tub2p\eTD
            \bTD Gcn5p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 99/12\eTD
            \bTD 18\eTD
            \bTD Ngg1p*\eTD
            \bTD Ade3p, Eft2p, Eft1p, Gfa1p, Glc7p, Msn4p, Ppz2p, Rpl16Ap, 
Rpp2Ap, Rpp2Bp, Rps25Ap, Rps25Bp, Rps29Bp, Sds22p, Sod2p, Tfc1p, Trp3p, Tub2p, 
Ura7p, YCR082Wp, Yhb1p, Ypi1p, YPL047Wp, YPL137Cp, Ysh1p\eTD
            \bTD Glc7p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 177/9\eTD
            \bTD 28\eTD
            \bTD Ppz2p*,\crlf Ppz1p*,<br/>Reg1p*\eTD
            \bTD Abf1p, Ade16p, Ade17p, Ahp1p, Bmh1p, Bmh2p, Ccr4p, Cka2p, 
Eno1p, Fun21p, Gal83p, Hsp60p, Imp2p, Mor1p,   Pdc1p, Pgk1p, Pol2p, Rpp2Ap, 
Snf1p, Sol1p, Sol2p, YBR225Wp, YDR474Cp, YER158Cp, YGR237Cp, YHR097Cp, 
            \bTD Ino4p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 52/0\eTD
            \bTD 1\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Act1p, Mdn1p, Pmd1p, Xrs2p\eTD
            \bTD Lte1p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 48/12\eTD
            \bTD 5\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Ade4p, Aro2p, Asc1p, Asn1p, Bcy1p, Bmh1p, Caf20p, Car2p, 
Cdc33p, Eft2p, Eft1p, Emi2p, Eno1p, Eno2p, Flo8p, Gad1p, Glk1p, Glt1p, Gly1p, 
Gpm1p, Gua1p, Hef3p, Hem1p, Hsp60p, Ilv6p, Lpd1p, Mkt1p, Nfs1p, Pbi2p, Pdc1p, 
Pgk1p, Pnc1p, Pro1p, Rax2p, Rib4p, Rpl23Ap, Rpl23Bp, Rps23Ap, Rps23Bp, Rps29Ap, 
Rps29Bp, Rps5p, Sec23p, Sec24p, Shm2p, Sod1p, Tpi1p, Tps3p, Vps1p, YDR348Cp, 
Yhb1p, YHL021Cp\eTD
            \bTD Mad2p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 11/10\eTD
            \bTD 2\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Apl4p, Caf20p, Eno1p, Eno2p, Pdc1p, Pgk1p, Rrb1p, Trx2p, 
Ura7p, YOR283Wp\eTD
            \bTD Mcd1p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 17/8\eTD
            \bTD 3\eTD
            \bTD Smc1p*,\crlf Trf4p\eTD
            \bTD Bdf1p, Csm1p, Nuf2p, Not5p, Pom152p, Srm1p, Stu2p, 
YBL005W--Ap, YDR170W--Ap, YMR045Cp, YNL284C--Bp, YNL284C--Ap, YMR046Cp\eTD
            \bTD Pds1p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 4/1\eTD
            \bTD 1\eTD
            \bTD Esp1p*\eTD
            \bTD Azr1p, Ire1p, Mss1p, Swi3p\eTD
            \bTD Pds5p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 0/1\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Mcd1p\eTD
            \bTD Aro4p, Chs5p, Hal5p, Kem1p, Mss1p, Pbp1p\eTD
            \bTD Pho2p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 4/1\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Rpl35Bp, Rpl35Ap, Rps5p, YBL005W--Ap, YDR170W--Ap, 
YDR261W--Bp, YGR161C--Cp, YJR026Wp, YOL103W--Ap, YML040Wp, YLR256W--Ap 
,YLR227W--Ap, YLR157C--Ap, YJR028Wp, YMR045Cp, YNL284C--Bp\eTD
            \bTD Pho4p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 11/1\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Ade16p, Ade3p, Ape3p, Aro2p, Aro4p, Asn1p, Bbc1p, Bcy1p, 
Cct4p, Cct8p, Cdc33p, Cdc73p, Chs5p, Dbp2p, Dbp3p, Dig1p, Eap1p, Eft2p, Eft1p, 
Fas1p, Fun12p, Glk1p, Glt1p, Gly1p, Gua1p, Hef3p, Hom3p, Hrb1p, Hsp60p, Imd4p, 
Kem1p, Kri1p, Lys21p, Lys20p, Myo5p, Nfs1p, Nma1p, Nop1p, Nop58p, Nsr1p, Pab1p, 
Rpa135p, Rpa34p, Rpl11Bp, Rpl11Ap, Rpl12Bp, Rpl12Ap, Rpl16Ap, Rpl23Ap, Rpl23Bp, 
Rpl24Ap, Rpl24Bp, Rpl26Bp, Rpl26Ap, Rpl29p, Rpl34Ap, Rpl34Bp, Rpl35Bp, Rpl35Ap, 
Rpl36Ap, Rpl36Bp, Rpl38p, Rpl43Bp, Rpl43Ap, Rpl5p, Rpl7Ap, Rpl7Bp, Rpp1Ap, 
Rpp2Ap, Rpp2Bp, Rps12p, Rps19Bp, Rps19Ap, Rps2p, Rps23Ap, Rps23Bp, Rps25Ap, 
Rps25Bp, Rps27Bp, Rps27Ap, Rps29Ap, Rps29Bp, Rps5p, Rps7Ap, Rps7Bp, Rps9Ap, 
Rps9Bp, Rrb1p, Rrp5p, Rsp5p, Sec23p, Ses1p, Shm2p, Sik1p, Sin3p, Snf1p, Srm1p, 
Ste11p, Ste50p, Stm1p, Tsr1p, Tub1p, Tub2p, Tub3p, Ura7p, Utp7p, Vip1p, Vps1p, 
Vrp1p, YAR075Wp, YBL101W--Bp, YGR161W--Bp, YFL002W--Ap, YDR210W--Bp, 
YDR034C--Dp, YCL019Wp, YDR261W--Bp, YGL068Wp, YHR121Wp, YIL137Cp
 , YMR045Cp, YMR050Cp, YMR237Wp, YNL054W--Bp\eTD
            \bTD Rtt102p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 2/0\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Aro4p, Arp7p, Arp9p, Fyv6p, Gsy2p, Hsl1p, Hta2p, Hta1p, Htl1p, 
Ldb7p, Nfi1p, Nfs1p, Npl6p, Rim1p, Rpl35Bp, Rpl35Ap, Rpl36Ap, Rpl36Bp, Rpl43Bp, 
Rpl43Ap, Rps2p, Rps29Bp, Rrb1p, Rsc1p, Rsc2p, Rsc3p, Rsc4p, Rsc58p, Rsc6p, 
Rsc8p, Rsc9p, Sfh1p, Snf12p, Snf2p, Snf5p, Snf6p, Sth1p, Swi1p, Swi3p, Taf14p, 
YFL049Wp, YHR097Cp\eTD
            \bTD Sds22p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 45/0\eTD
            \bTD 4\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Nip100p, Ppz1p, Snf1p, Stu1p, Vps8p, YBL010Cp\eTD
            \bTD Snf2p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 164/13\eTD
            \bTD 11\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Chs5p, Pab1p, Rpl11Bp, Rpl11Ap, Rpl16Ap, Rpl26Ap, Rpl26Bp, 
Rpl34Ap, Rpl34Bp, Rpl35Bp, Rpl35Ap, Rpl36Ap, Rpl36Bp, Rps12p, Rps2p, Rtt102p, 
Sth1p, Stm1p, YDL053Cp, YGR161C--Cp\eTD
            \bTD Spo12p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 18/5\eTD
            \bTD 1\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Act1p, Ado1p, Ahp1p, Ald6p, Azr1p, Bmh1p, Cpr1p, Cys3p, Eft2p, 
Eft1p, Eno1p, Eno2p, Gpm1p, Hsp12p, Hsp42p, Hxk2p, Pdc1p, Pgi1p, Pgk1p, Rhr2p, 
Rps12p, Rps19Bp, Rps19Ap, Tif2p, Tif1p, Trp3p, Trx2p, Yhb1p, YNL134Cp, 
            \bTD Yak1p--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 75/0\eTD
            \bTD 3\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Caf20p, Glt1p, Gly1p, Hef3p, Kem1p, Nfs1p, Rib4p, YJL206Cp\eTD
            \bTD YHR115Cp--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 17/0\eTD
            \bTD 8\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Dbp3p, Gcd11p, Jip5p, Mkt1p, Sec16p, YBL101W--Bp, YLR410W--Bp, 
YGR161W--Bp, YFL002W--Ap, YDR210W--Bp, YDR034C--Dp, YCL019Wp, YJR026Wp, 
YOL103W--Ap, YML040Wp, YLR256W--Ap, YLR227W--Ap, YLR157C--Ap, YJR028Wp\eTD
            \bTD YNL116Wp--HPM\eTD
            \bTD 37/0\eTD
            \bTD 7\eTD
            \bTD ---\eTD
            \bTD Jip5p\eTD
    Of the original set of 25 gene products that we set out to tag and purify, 
21 yielded utilizable results. We were unable to amplify the HPM--cassette with 
primers to tag CDC5 and ESS1 while TAP--MudPIT experiments for Bir1p--HPM and 
Nbp1p--HPM resulted in little or no recovery of the tagged baits themselves. Of 
the 21 <qu>successful</qu> purifications that yielded sequence coverage for the 
tagged bait, 20 of the experiments (95\%) yielded interacting proteins that are 
either true binding partners validated by other direct approaches, probable 
binding partners that display genetic interaction with the bait, or candidate 
binding partners that were found in association with only one bait. The 
Pho2p--HPM experiment yielded `hits' only from proteins that were found 
associated with other, unrelated baits or were otherwise deemed to be likely 
    The set of bait proteins evaluated in this study overlaps considerably with 
the Ho et al. ((2002) effort. Figure x.x compares the retrieval of physical 
interactors for 13 gene products used as baits in both studies. Notably, in 
each case our approach identified at least as many or more of the 
previously--known binding partners of the 13 bait proteins. For eight of the 
baits, Ho et al. (2002) identified more putative interacting partners. However, 
since Ho et al. (2002) utilized single--step affinity purification of 
overproduced bait protein, additional interactions revealed only in that study 
should be considered as tentative, pending verification by independent 
    The second issue that we addressed was the feasibility of using a filtering 
approach to cull nonspecific contaminants from the list of proteins identified 
in each TAP--MudPIT experiment. The idea is that nonspecific proteins should 
show up in a high fraction of experiments, whereas specific interactors should 
only show up in one or a small number of experiments (depending upon the degree 
of functional relatedness of the tagged genes in the query set). We found that 
proteins that were identified in five or more TAP--MudPIT experiments tended to 
have a high codon adaptation index (Sharp et al. 1987), which is a rough 
measure of abundance (Jansen et al. 2003, data not shown). Based on this 
correlation, we automatically considered proteins found in more than five 
experiments to be probable contaminants. A similar filtering approach was 
employed by Gavin et al. (2002) and Ho et al. (2002), but since their 
data--sets were much larger they were able to employ lower thresholds.\p
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