Hi all,

after installing the latest alpha together with pdftex 1.21 under Linux
I've got troubles with font mapping. My test file is:

\setupfontsynonym [Serif] [handling=pure]
\setupfontsynonym [Sans]  [handling=pure]
\setupfontsynonym [Mono]  [handling=punctuation]
\usetypescript [all] [latin-modern] [texnansi]
\setuppapersize [A4][A4]



pdfeTeX does not find the map files, how the following log-file confirms.

Has anyone a hint in order to repair the system?

With many thanks in advance

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.3) (format=cont-en
2005.3.14)  14 MAR 2005 18:19
entering extended mode
**&cont-en test_lin.tex

ConTeXt  ver: 2005.01.28  fmt: 2005.3.14  int: english  mes: english

language        : language en is active
<protectionstate 0>
system          : cont-new loaded
systems         : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
color           : palette rollover is available
system (E-TEX) : [line 878]
system (E-TEX) : [line 933]
system          : cont-old loaded
loading         : Context Old Macros
system          : cont-fil loaded
loading         : Context File Synonyms
system          : cont-sys loaded
bodyfont        : 12pt rm is loaded
language        : patterns en->default:default->1->2:2
2:2 de->default:default->3->2:2 fr->default:default->4->2:2
->5->2:2 it->default:default->6->2:2 nl->default:default->7->2:2 loaded
specials        : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
\openout2 = `test_lin.tui'.

system          : test_lin.top loaded
\openout0 = `test_lin-mpgraph.mp'.

\openout0 = `mpgraph.mp'.

specials        : loading definition file tpd
specials        : loading definition file fdf
(/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/spec-fdf.tex <unprotect 3>
system (E-TEX) : [line 2280] \ifcsname
<protect 3>)
specials        : fdf loaded
specials        : fdf,tpd loaded
color           : system rgb is local activated
systems         : possible problem with 8 bit output
) (./test_lin.tuo) (./test_lin.tuo) (./test_lin.tuo) (./test_lin.tuo)
(./test_lin.tuo) (./test_lin.tuo) (./test_lin.tuo) (./test_lin.tuo)
(./test_lin.tuo) (./test_lin.tuo) (./test_lin.tuo) (./test_lin.tuo)
fonts           : using map file: texnansi-var-exclusive-public-lm.map
fonts           : using map file: texnansi-public-lm.map
fonts           : using map file: original-public-vnr.map
fonts           : using map file: original-public-csr.map
fonts           : using map file: original-public-plr.map
fonts           : using map file: original-public-lm.map
fonts           : using map file: original-ams-euler.map
fonts           : using map file: original-ams-cmr.map
fonts           : using map file: texnansi-base.map
fonts           : using map file: t5-base.map
fonts           : using map file: qx-base.map
fonts           : using map file: 8r-base.map
fonts           : using map file: ec-base.map
fonts           : using map file: ec-public-lm.map
fonts           : using map file: original-base.map
systems         : begin file test_lin at line 11
Warning: pdfetex (file original-empty.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file texnansi-var-exclusive-public-lm.map): cannot open
map file

Warning: pdfetex (file texnansi-public-lm.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file original-public-vnr.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file original-public-csr.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file original-public-plr.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file original-public-lm.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file original-ams-euler.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file original-ams-cmr.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file texnansi-base.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file t5-base.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file qx-base.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file 8r-base.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file ec-base.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file ec-public-lm.map): cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file original-base.map): cannot open font map file
systems         : end file test_lin at line 15
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 1184 strings out of 63948
 19866 string characters out of 682551
 4493403 words of memory out of 5557011
 34926 multiletter control sequences out of 10000+50000
 39821 words of font info for 58 fonts, out of 500000 for 1000
 62 hyphenation exceptions out of 1000
 44i,17n,49p,287b,429s stack positions out of
PDF statistics:
 7 PDF objects out of 300000
 0 named destinations out of 131072
 1537 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 65536

Warning: pdfetex (file texnansi-lmr10): Font texnansi-lmr10 at 86 not

Warning: pdfetex (file texnansi-lmtt10): Font texnansi-lmtt10 at 38 not

Warning: pdfetex (file texnansi-lmr12): Font texnansi-lmr12 at 72 not
Output written on test_lin.pdf (1 page, 13766 bytes).

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