
the following code:


  \page[yes,header,footer,odd] % Empty page to come here

should generate an empty page.

The \page[yes,header,footer,odd] suppress header and footer, which is good, and 
inserts one page;
the problem is that header and footer background is kept and still appears.

Is it a "wanted" feature?

My guess is that when one uses "\page[...,header,footer...]" than suppressing 
header/footer background is intended, too.

If the background is not suppressed automatically with "header,footer", would it be 
possible to implement something like "\page[...,background,...] which would suppress 
header and footer background (or suppress their backgrounds automatically with 

Best regards,


Ing. Lukáš Procházka | mailto:l...@pontex.cz
Pontex s. r. o.      | mailto:pon...@pontex.cz | http://www.pontex.cz | 
Bezová 1658
147 14 Praha 4

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Fax: +420 244 461 038

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