Hi Hans,

maybe my problem was not clear enough. So please let me try it once more.

The following example has main text in 2 columns and footnote text in 3 columns:

   \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte\footnote{\input ward \relax}}

But as I also have to use section titles that span the columns (without causing pagebreaks)
I need to use columnsets (like they are used in the following example):

   \input tufte\footnote{\input ward \relax}
  \subsubsection{Spanning all columns without page break}
   \dorecurse{10}{\input ward\footnote{\input tufte \relax}}

But I don't want the footnotes to be placed at the bottom of each column, I want them to be set in 3 columns at the bottom of the page (as shown in the columns example above).

How can this be done?


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