On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 1:07 PM, Mathieu Boespflug <mb...@tweag.net> wrote:
> [...]
> Also, there is another bug in the bib module, which i find very
> strange. If we augment the OP's .bib file with two more entries, and
> cite those, then one of them does *not* appear in the bibliography
> despite being cited. It also creates a big blank in the bibliography.
> Here's a minimal example. bib file attached. In my real thesis
> bibliography (over 200 entries), there are several such entries
> missing and several big blanks of varying sizes in the Bibliography
> section.

To follow up on this: after further investigation it seems the bibtex
@conference entry type is broken. All such entries in my bibtex
database appear as blanks in the bibliography. Below is a minimal
example with an attached bibtex database.

Any idea how to solve this or where to look?


\setuphead[section][textstyle=bold, numberstyle=bold, continue=yes]


\section{Main Body}
This file is for testing whether the bibliography works. There seems
to be some problem.

Let's cite a conference article: \cite[reynolds:defints1972].

And another conference article: \cite[maranget:cpm].

Let's cite a journal article: \cite[reynolds:defints].

Let's cite a book: \cite[gordon:holbook].

Let's cite something unpublished: \cite[geuvers:gammainf].

Let's cite a miscellaneous item: \cite[coq].

  title={{The {\sc Coq} proof assistant}},

  author    = {John C. Reynolds},
  title     = {Definitional interpreters for higher-order programming languages},
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the ACM Annual Conference}},
  year      = {1972},
  month     = {august},
  pages     = {717--740},
  volume    = {2},
  publisher = {ACM, New York},
  note      = {RepubliƩ en tant que \cite[reynolds:defints].}

  title={{Definitional interpreters for higher-order programming languages}},
  author={Reynolds, J.C.},
  journal={Higher-order and symbolic computation},

  title={{Introduction to HOL: A theorem proving environment for higher order logic}},
  author={Gordon, M. and Melham, T.},
  publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, NY, USA}

  author = {Herman Geuvers and James McKinna and Freek Wiedijk},
  title = {{Pure Type Systems without Explicit Contexts}},
  month = {january},
  year = {2009},
  note = {Submitted}

  title={{Compiling pattern matching to good decision trees}},
  author={Maranget, L.},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on ML},
  organization={ACM New York, NY, USA}
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