
I have the following sample:

    \setupinteraction[state=start, focus=standard]
    \placebookmarks[chapter, section][chapter, section]
    \setuplist[section][style=\tfxx, alternative=d, setups=lsect]

    \dorecurse{5}{\chapter{Knuth}\input knuth
        \dorecurse{8}{\section{Zapf}\input zapf}}

I cannot set the interline space for \setuplist[section]. Wolfgang
kindly provided me with a workaround:

    \setupinteraction[state=start, focus=standard]
    \placebookmarks[chapter, section][chapter, section]
             style=\itx] \par

      [before={\blank[medium]}, after=\directsetup{plsect}]

    \dorecurse{5}{\chapter{Knuth}\input knuth
        \dorecurse{8}{\section{Zapf}\input zapf}}

But the issue I discovered recently is that the first section links from
the table of contents reach the chapter destination (and not the first
section). Bookmarks work fine, instead.

Wouldn’t it be better to improve the alternative=d in \setuplist, so
that interline space could be set up with the setups option?

Many thanks for your help,

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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