On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 15:34, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 15:15, Roger Mason wrote:
>> Hi Mojca,
>> texexec --purge simple.tex -> Output written on simple.pdf (1 page,
>> 28424 bytes).
>> texexec simple.tex -> Output written on simple.pdf (1 page, 28424
>> bytes).
>> The document is always produced correctly, but --purge does not do its
>> job and produces the errors listed in my original post.
> OK, that's reproducible here as well.

The problem goes away if I comment out the lines 2053 and 2054 of
tex.rb. I suspect that
     Kpse.runscript('ctxtools',rawbase,'--purge')       if getvariable('purge')
doesn't call the ctxtools script with proper quoting, so arguments are
interpreted as commands instead of being just arguments.

But I didn't inspect any further.


texexec --verbose --purge besedilo


pdfTeX warning: pdftex: no GlyphToUnicode entry has been inserted yet!
Output written on besedilo.pdf (2 pages, 124469 bytes).
Transcript written on besedilo.log.
TeXUtil | parsing file besedilo.tui
TeXUtil | shortcuts : 398
TeXUtil | expansions: 308
TeXUtil | reductions: 0
TeXUtil | divisions : 0
TeXUtil | loaded files: 1
TeXUtil | temporary files: 0
TeXUtil | commands: 29
TeXUtil | programs: 0
TeXUtil | tuo file saved
sh: version: command not found
sh: line 2: --bbeditinterface: command not found
sh: line 3: --brandfiles: command not found
sh: line 4: --contextversion: command not found
sh: line 5: --dependencies: command not found
sh: line 5: filenames]]: command not found
sh: line 6: --disarmutfbom: command not found
sh: line 7: --documentation: command not found
sh: line 8: --dpxmapfiles: command not found
sh: line 9: --jeditinterface: command not found
sh: line 10: --listentities: command not found
sh: line 11: --patternfiles: command not found
sh: line 12: --platformize: command not found
sh: line 13: --purgefiles: command not found
sh: line 14: --rawinterface: command not found
sh: line 15: --sciteinterface: command not found
sh: line 16: --touchcontextfile: command not found
sh: line 17: --updatecontext: command not found
sh: line 18: --purge: command not found
TeXExec | runtime: 5.496058
TeXExec | option 'purge' is set to 'true'
TeXExec | option 'verbose' is set to 'true'
TeXExec | option 'randomseed' is set to '132'
TeXExec | option 'filename' is set to 'besedilo.tex'
TeXExec | option 'mainlanguage' is set to 'standard'
TeXExec | option 'bodyfont' is set to 'standard'
TeXExec | option 'language' is set to 'standard'
TeXExec | option 'engine' is set to 'standard'
TeXExec | option 'distribution' is set to 'web2c'
TeXExec | option 'texformats' is set to 'en'
TeXExec | option 'mpsformats' is set to 'metafun'
TeXExec | option 'progname' is set to 'standard'
TeXExec | option 'interface' is set to 'standard'
TeXExec | option 'runs' is set to '8'
TeXExec | option 'backend' is set to 'standard'
located : context-tex-besedilo.ctx ->
scripts : ctxtools -> CtxTools | version 1.3.5 - 2004/2008 - PRAGMA ADE

CtxTools | --bbeditinterface  generate bbedit syntax files [--pipe]
CtxTools | --brandfiles       add context copyright notice [--force]
CtxTools | --contextversion   report context version
CtxTools | --dependencies     analyze depedencies within context
[--save --compact --filter=[macros|filenames]] [filename]
CtxTools | --disarmutfbom     remove utf bom [--force]
CtxTools | --documentation    generate documentation [--type=] [filename]
CtxTools | --dpxmapfiles      convert pdftex mapfiles to dvipdfmx
[--force] [texmfroot]
CtxTools | --jeditinterface   generate jedit syntax files [--pipe]
CtxTools | --listentities     create doctype entity definition from enco-uc.tex
CtxTools | --patternfiles     generate pattern files [--all --xml
--utf8] [languagecode]
CtxTools | --platformize      replace line-endings [--recurse --force] [pattern]
CtxTools | --purgefiles       remove temporary files [--all --recurse]
CtxTools | --rawinterface     generate raw syntax files [--pipe]
CtxTools | --sciteinterface   generate scite syntax files [--pipe]
CtxTools | --touchcontextfile update context version
CtxTools | --updatecontext    download latest version and remake
formats [--proxy]
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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