Re: [NTG-context] Module `database' and UTF8?

2007-01-20 Thread Mojca Miklavec

you seem to be the first one (beside me and Taco) to complain about
that bug, so perhaps Hans will have one reason more to try to fix it
now (or perhaps to port it to lua, but then you'll have to wait for
some time).

My observations are (were - I'm currently not behind a ConTeXt
machine) as follows:
- 8-bit encodings seem to work OK (I had to convert a few files to
cp1250 just because of that bug, but then it worked OK)
- there are two completely different approaches - one imitates pere
csv (Taco's) and one parses anything "TeX-ish" and also obeys TeX
commands (Hans's).
- Taco's approach has been fixed (utf-8 worked ok after a patch), so
if you don't need TeX commands inside your tables, set "quotechar" to
whatever, which will trigger Taco's mode
- Hans's approach has a bug in utf-8 handling. But the problem only
appears if the very first character in the cell is something non-ascii

So in the case of
březen  duben  květen  červen
it's probably only the last word the one which is causing problems

A temporary solution might be to define quotechar (which is probably
what you have already tried) or to wait for Hans to fix it.

I find the module really useful, but I don't understand a bit in that
file (even Taco addmited that it was the "worst-readable" macro he has
ever wrote ;) I assume that you've seen the MyWay about it
( - feel free to post any
comments about its unreadability ;).


On 1/20/07, Michal Kvasnicka wrote:
> Good evening.
> I apologize that I bother you now so much with my own problems but I
> have to rewrite some of my macros right now for some reason.
> I found there is a great `database' module. I tried it with ConTeXt
> version 2007.01.12 15:56, perl TeXExec 5.4.3, and pdfetex 1.40.1 under
> SuSE Linux 10.1. I use input encoding regime utf8, and fonts in ec-lm
> encoding. I set it this way:
> \defineseparatedlist[CSV]
>   [separator=tab,%{,}, %quotechar={"},
>before=\bTABLE, after=\eTABLE,
>first=\bTR, last=\eTR,
>left=\bTD, right=\eTD]
> And call it with \processseparatedfile[CSV][file.csv].
> It works well with words without accents. If there is an accented letter
> in the file.csv, it failes with this error message:
> ! Argument of \utftwouniglph has an extra }.
> \par
> \dodoprocessseplist #1#2->\edef \!!stringa {#1}
> \!!stringa ...
>  PŘÍJMY   leden   únor
> březen  duben   květen  červen
> červenecsrpe...
> \doprocessseplist ...elax ->\dodoprocessseplist #1
> \relax  \relax
> \relax \end
> \doprocessseparatedfileline ...plist \line \relax
>   \else \expanded
> {\processq...
> ...
> Can you help me to make it work?
> Many thanks. Yours
> Michal Kvasnicka
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Are before=command parameters expanded?

2007-01-20 Thread Mike Bird
I noticed some strange behavior which resulted from the
fact that the before value is expanded in \setupfootnotes.

For example, the following test case will break if
\noexpand is removed:


Is this the intended behavior or is this a bug?


--Mike Bird
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] pdfetex 1.40.1 + ghosscript problem? More findings

2007-01-20 Thread George N. White III
On 1/20/07, Michal Kvasnicka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good evening.
> I found some more puzzling things. I write them here fore anybody who
> may be interested. :-)
> I tried to typeset a document using two font families: TrueType Gentium
> by SIL, and Adobe OpenType Myriad. First I converted Myriad to Type1
> using fontforge, then I prepared metrics for all fonts with TeXFont
> using ec-lm encoding. I found this:
> (1) Any ConTeXt document produced by pdfetex 1.40.1 (even this one:
> \setupoutput[pdf]
> \starttext
> \input tufte
> \stoptext
> makes my GhostScript (gs Ghostscript 8.15.3 under SuSE Linux 10.1) die
> with this error:
> Warning:  An error occurred while reading an XREF table.
> The file has been damaged.  This may have been caused
> by a problem while converting or transfering the file.
> Ghostscript will attempt to recover the data.
>ERROR: /undefined in /BXlevel
> etc.

There was a gs bug (#688787 /undefined in /BXlevel) for this error,
but in that case the pdf file really was corrupt although the user
said it worked with Adobe Reader.

I tried your first test on Fedora Core 5 with TL2007 (test inst iso
from 20070115) which also has a gs-8.15 version, and don't get an

[EMAIL PROTECTED] TL2007]$ cat cont-try.tex
\input tufte
[EMAIL PROTECTED] TL2007]$ texmfstart texexec cont-try
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.1 (Web2C 7.5.6)
 \write18 enabled.
 %&-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2006.08.08 21:51  fmt: 2007.1.14  int: english  mes: english

[EMAIL PROTECTED] TL2007]$ pdffonts cont-try.pdf
name type emb sub uni object ID
  --- --- --- -
ORKXYQ+LMRoman12-Regular Type 1   yes yes yes  5  0

[EMAIL PROTECTED] TL2007]$ pdfinfo cont-try.pdf
Title:  cont-try
Creator:ConTeXt - 2006.08.08 21:51
Producer:   pdfTeX-1.40.1
CreationDate:   Sat Jan 20 15:29:21 2007
Tagged: no
Pages:  1
Encrypted:  no
Page size:  595.276 x 841.89 pts (A4)
File size:  26205 bytes
Optimized:  no
PDF version:1.5

Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Module `database' and UTF8?

2007-01-20 Thread Michal Kvasnicka
Good evening.

I apologize that I bother you now so much with my own problems but I
have to rewrite some of my macros right now for some reason.

I found there is a great `database' module. I tried it with ConTeXt
version 2007.01.12 15:56, perl TeXExec 5.4.3, and pdfetex 1.40.1 under
SuSE Linux 10.1. I use input encoding regime utf8, and fonts in ec-lm
encoding. I set it this way:
  [separator=tab,%{,}, %quotechar={"},
   before=\bTABLE, after=\eTABLE,
   first=\bTR, last=\eTR,
   left=\bTD, right=\eTD]
And call it with \processseparatedfile[CSV][file.csv].

It works well with words without accents. If there is an accented letter
in the file.csv, it failes with this error message:
! Argument of \utftwouniglph has an extra }.


\dodoprocessseplist #1#2->\edef \!!stringa {#1}
\!!stringa ...
 PŘÍJMY   leden   únor
březen  duben   květen  červen 

\doprocessseplist ...elax ->\dodoprocessseplist #1
\relax  \relax
\relax \end
\doprocessseparatedfileline ...plist \line \relax
  \else \expanded

Can you help me to make it work?

Many thanks. Yours
Michal Kvasnicka

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] pdfetex 1.40.1 + ghosscript problem? More findings

2007-01-20 Thread Michal Kvasnicka
Good evening.

I found some more puzzling things. I write them here fore anybody who
may be interested. :-)

I tried to typeset a document using two font families: TrueType Gentium
by SIL, and Adobe OpenType Myriad. First I converted Myriad to Type1
using fontforge, then I prepared metrics for all fonts with TeXFont
using ec-lm encoding. I found this:

(1) Any ConTeXt document produced by pdfetex 1.40.1 (even this one:
\input tufte
makes my GhostScript (gs Ghostscript 8.15.3 under SuSE Linux 10.1) die
with this error:
    Warning:  An error occurred while reading an XREF table.
    The file has been damaged.  This may have been caused
    by a problem while converting or transfering the file.
    Ghostscript will attempt to recover the data.
   ERROR: /undefined in /BXlevel
etc. However, if I make a ps-file out of it using AdobeReader, I can
view/print it with my GhostScript.
The newest Ghostscript (Ghostscript 8.54 (2006-05-17)) doesn't write
this error message but the rest of problems (see below) is the same.

(2) When I typeset my document only with the Gentium font, or only with
the Myriad font, or with a combination of the Gentium and LatinModern,
or the Gentium and TrueType version of Myriad (made fontforge), the
outcome is the same as (1).

(3) If I try to combine TrueType Gentium and Type1 Myriad, my
GhostScript failes to view/print it properly: strange letters appear in
the text.

I've got no idea what's wrong. By the way, my input regime is now utf8.

Do you thing this is problem of ConTeXt, or pdfetex, or GhostScript?
Whom should I tell it?

Michal Kvasnicka

P.S. I apologize to all of you who are bothered by this topic.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Imposition struggles

2007-01-20 Thread Willi Egger


I need to get a book on paper...

Using: ConTeXt  ver: 2007.01.18 12:57 MKII  fmt: 2007.1.19  int: 


By means of veroffset and horoffset the arranged pages should be placed 
in the center of the sheet.
However, depending on the number of pages, the last sheets get typeset 
wronlgy (shifted unexpectedly to the left).

Please try the attached sample file.

% TEST imposition
% Problems:
%   option "cutspace" in \setuplayout is not honored
%   option ver/horoffset do unexpected shifts of the pages on the sheet
%   By means of ver/horoffset the pages should be put centered on the sheet, in 
%   to be able to fold and cut the sheets.
% Context file
% filename: imposition-test.tex
% Willi Egger
% 20-01-2007

\setupbodyfont[palatino, rm, 11pt]

% Data for the setup of the layout
% Relation between height and width of the PAGE 3 : 2
% Kanon 12
% Paper height (A - D) 200 mm
% Paper length (A - B) 267 mm
% Inner margin 11 mm
% Top margin 17 mm
% Outer margin 22 mm
% Lower margin 33 mm
% Height typesetting area 150 mm
% Width typesetting area 100 mm

\definepapersize[Test][height=200mm, width=137.5mm] %incl. 4 mm bindingcorection

% cutspace=5mm,
backspace=15mm, %incl. 4 mm bindingcorrection
footerdistance= 3\bodyfontsize,




 %   \dorecurse {30}{% This works as expected!
\dorecurse {35}{%
\subject{A text by Ward}
\input ward
\subject{A text by Louis Couperus}
Overglanzende mooi was Emeralda, schitterend schoon als geen vrouw
in het rijk, geen prinses in andere rijken. Zij was heel groot en
vorstelijk van gestalte; zij liep heel recht en fier en trotsch;
zij wàs heel trotsch, want na den dood van den koning zoû zij
heerschen op den troon van het Rijk van het Verleden.  IJverzuchtig
op al de macht, die haar deel zoû zijn, wees zij af alle de
prinsen, die dongen om hare hand. Zij sprak nooit anders dan om te
bevelen, en alleen voor haar vader boog zij het hoofd. Zij droeg
altijd zwaar brokaat, zilver- of goud-, en bezaaid met gesteente,
en lange mantels van ruischend sindaal met breed hermelijn
omzoomd; een diadeem van de eêlste juweelen flonkerde steeds in
haar rossiggoud haar, en ook haar oogen waren juweel: twee
prachtige groene smaragden, waarin een zwarte karbonkel was de
pupil; en men fluisterde geheimzinnig, dat haar hart was geslepen
uit én enkelen reuzerobijn \unknown
\item First item
\item Second item
\item Third item
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] setup linecorrection

2007-01-20 Thread Taco Hoekwater
David Arnold wrote:
> All,
> How do you set up:
> \startlinecorrection[blank]
> \stoplinecorrection
> so ensuing lines are not indented?

There is not actual support for that, but this should work:


Best, Taco
ntg-context mailing list