Re: [NTG-context] spacing before items

2020-06-25 Thread David Rogers

Mike Cooper  writes:

Thanks David!

I don't think I've ever been quite so frustrated at trying to 
learn anything else in my life!  If it wasn't required by my 
job, I wouldn't have made it past the first day or two (3 months 
ago).  But I'm slogging away and it's gradually coming together 
(I think).  I spent my whole day yesterday figuring out how to 
do some very basic formatting/layout that would have taken 5-10 
minutes in Word or HTML/CSS.

People have been very helpful and patient with me!!  Thanks to 
all of you for that!

And thanks David for this explanation of the situation.


You may already be doing what I'm about to suggest. If so, please 

One source that has helped me a lot is the archive of this mailing 
list, where I've searched for any messages that mention whatever 
it is that I'm looking for. Of course such a search is slower than 
scrolling through the index of a manual, and sometimes it's hard 
to figure out "What keyword do I search on? If I knew the correct 
keyword, I'd be done this already!" - but quite often I've "hit 
the jackpot" and found exactly what I needed, or close enough that 
I only had to change some details.

You will soon notice that there are some people on the list who 
consistently see through the problems that are presented, and who 
say something like "I think you probably want something like 
this:" - followed by a solution that makes you say confidently 
"A-ha! So THAT'S how that's done!".

The really good problem-solving sessions on the list, both the 
elegant answers and the questions that precede them, could form a 
pretty good start on a manual. Of course such a method is 
hit-or-miss, but in this case there are quite a few hits. Just 
watch out (in much older messages) that you're not fully relying 
on an answer based on ConTeXt Mk II, because many of those 
solutions no longer work in the newer versions.

... which has accidentally led me to another documentation 
comment. Hans's programming philosophy is not something I'm an 
expert on, but it seems clear that he values "usability, good 
function, and getting the job done well" much higher than he 
values "backward compatibility forever". In other words, if 
something is broken or not good enough, he doesn't hesitate to fix 
it or improve it in the best way he can see. This is good for the 
software in that it is constantly improving in every direction, 
but it does also make it a bit more of a challenge to document, 
and a bit more of a challenge to find someone who *wants* to 
document it - "How ConTeXt Used To Work Last Year" is clearly not 
going to be a top-selling title. :) But despite that, the majority 
of what you want to know has not changed in quite some time, and 
usually only *very* old solutions will fail completely.

I want to finish this message by saying: When you read through 
"SomeFile.tex" that you've created, every switch and command in it 
should make sense to you. In the beginning that might not always 
be the case, but it's easier for you to get there than it might 
sound, and you'll see that all the best solutions you get from 
others share that quality of "Ah, I see, that makes sense, I get 
how this works". Most of the time, a solution that doesn't give 
you that feeling is not quite the right way to do it. Of course a 
poor solution is better than nothing, but please don't stay 
satisfied with hairy-looking clusters of commands that sort of 
work but no one knows why. (I've written lots of those, that's why 
I say this.) :) Simple and direct writing means the mistakes will 
soon become obvious; the worst thing to do in ConTeXt is to make a 
complicated mysterious mistake that you can't even find.

Well. THAT turned out longer than I intended. :)

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Re: [NTG-context] spacing before items

2020-06-23 Thread David Rogers

Mike Cooper  writes:

Thanks Tomáš!

1.  Where can this solution be found?

Mike, I know how you feel. The reasons that the documentation is 
so sparse and difficult to find are the same reasons behind a lot 
of things: time, money, and ability. Good documentation requires 
all three of those things to be brought together at the same time. 
Some people reading and responding here have two out of the three, 
but it's rare to find someone who has all three at the same time.

On second thought, there are at least five things required: time, 
money, ability, desire, and a workable plan. And with ConTeXt 
being developed by a relatively tiny group, even if a brilliant 
and kind organizer came along and said "I want excellent 
documentation for ConTeXt, and I'll pay a fortune to the person 
who knows how to write it - see, here's the money" - there's no 
way of guaranteeing that someone would actually take the offer.

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Re: [NTG-context] use parentheses in itemize

2020-06-05 Thread David Rogers
On June 3, 2020 7:01:57 a.m. PDT, Mike Cooper 
>The logic in that approach is obvious.  Thanks Aditya.
>But then, what is "stopper"?  What's it for?  What happens if you just
>leave it out?

When you leave it out, it's simply not used. In broad general terms, ConTeXt is 
set up to allow you to just ignore any features you don't need.

Stopper is for when you want




or any other thing that suits you, to be placed after each number. "Nothing" is 
certainly one of the legitimate and common choices for this purpose, and Aditya 
took the step of actually defining it as "nothing" by typing "stopper=". (After 
the equals sign comes... you guessed it.) :) 

Doing such a "define it to be nothing" step would be especially 
helpful/important if you DID have it defined as something for a different part 
of your document, and then wanted to change styles part way through.

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Re: [NTG-context] Opening quotes problem with context.

2013-07-24 Thread David Rogers
john Culleton  writes:

> Did a fresh install of context etc. from the context site. I used this
> test file:
> ---
> \starttext
> ``Hello world.'' And ``Goodbye world.''
> \stoptext
> %\bye
> -
> The resulting pdf shows two left tick marks for opening quotes but the
> closing quotes are proper curly quotes.
> If I modify the file as follows:
> ---
> %\starttext
> ``Hello world.'' And ``Goodbye world.''
> %\stoptext
> \bye
> ---
> and use luatex or pdftex from texlive the quotes are OK. 
> I got similar results from context in texlive 2012 and texlive 2013.
> What is the proper code for opening quotes in context?

The "truly proper" code is \quotation{Hello world.} - that style is
guaranteed to work. (And, for instance, if you change context's language
to French, then \quotation{Bonjour monde.} will automatically give you
the correct style of French quotation marks without having to look up
how to type them; likewise for other languages.)

I think the problem of the two left tick marks may come from web browser
copy-and-paste. Special marks, especially the quotation marks,
apostrophes, and tick marks, are often mangled when converting to and
from HTML. When copying any program's code from a web page, watch out
for those marks, they've probably been mis-transcribed by the too-clever
HTML rendering.

David R
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Re: [NTG-context] Can this layout be done in Context

2013-07-23 Thread David Rogers
Russell Urquhart  writes:

> On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 11:19:27PM -0700, David Rogers wrote:
>> To summarize: A page header with page number and guide word (the guide
>> word showing which chapter of which book of the Bible begins on this
>> page), two columns of regular text, "margin notes" *for both columns*
>> set in their own special single (very narrow) centre column, and
>> footnotes in one single large column, which is permitted to take a lot
>> of vertical space on the page when necessary, with all those areas of
>> the page separated from each other by thin ruled lines. Correct?
> I know that this example is probably a little extreme, but i love the
> layout of thise books, and while i may not want to be able to do
> something that has ALL of those layout attributes, i'd be curious as
> to what it would take on the Context side.

I don't think it's extreme - I just wanted to make sure we didn't miss
any of what it contains.

I think there would need to be a lot of typing inside of the Bible text
itself (for example, needing to manually tag each and every chapter of
each book of the Bible), to get the guide-words to display correctly -
you definitely wouldn't be able to just book-end the Bible with some
code at the beginning and end. I don't know how easy it is to get margin
notes from two different text columns to combine into one margin
column. The rest of it seems not very challenging from a ConTeXt point
of view - footnotes are quite well-supported (though again for both the
footnotes and the margin notes there would be considerable hand-work
adding the commands for every single note, to make them appear in the
right places); and the physical layout of the page is not difficult in

The benefit of all that typing, if done with the right kind of planning
in mind, would be that later you'd easily be able to change the page
size, amount of white space, fonts and font sizes, etc.

The disadvantage would be that you would no longer have the "clean,
plain" text of the Bible in your ConTeXt file; it would be permanently
littered with commands and switches, so it would be much harder to check
your textual accuracy. Therefore you would want to be quite sure you
have exactly the Bible version you want, with all the spelling corrected
and verses and paragraphs the way they ought to be and so on, before you
begin your ConTeXt adventure.

David R
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Re: [NTG-context] problem with setuptex

2013-07-22 Thread David Rogers
"Thomas A. Schmitz"  writes:

> On 07/10/2013 11:24 AM, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
>> I would gladly help, but I don't know how zhs works and I didn't find
>> any hints during a quick search.
>> My suggestion would be to put
>> export PATH=$HOME/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH
>> or something similar into the file that you are sourcing.
>> Mojca
> Hi Mojca,
> I'm happy to say that a recent update in Fedora solved the problem;
> setuptex now works again. Bizarre, I still have no idea where the
> problem came from...

A tiny, random hunch: zsh treats its built-in "source" command
differently from its "." command, and therefore sometimes one or the
other works better. It's worth trying ". ~/context/tex/setuptex" when
using zsh. However, I don't see really how it would have helped in this
situation, and on my machine either one works fine.

David R
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Re: [NTG-context] Can this layout be done in Context

2013-07-21 Thread David Rogers
Russell Urquhart  writes:

> Hi,
> I have a jpg of an image of an oldish Zondervan NIV Bible page. I love
> the layout of this and would love to do similar layouts.  Can the
> Context experts look at this and tell me if this sort of layout is
> reasonable, in Context?

To summarize: A page header with page number and guide word (the guide
word showing which chapter of which book of the Bible begins on this
page), two columns of regular text, "margin notes" *for both columns*
set in their own special single (very narrow) centre column, and
footnotes in one single large column, which is permitted to take a lot
of vertical space on the page when necessary, with all those areas of
the page separated from each other by thin ruled lines. Correct?

David R
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Re: [NTG-context] Overriding pdfview

2013-06-30 Thread David Rogers
"Keith J. Schultz"  writes:

> Hi All,
> I would agree that the users default should be respected.
> I will have to contradict my last post them. 
> My suggestion them is to use a system variable such as
> ConTeXtViewer. This variable would contain the program to be called.
> If it is not set or empty context simply finishes up what ever it is doing
> and exits. 
> It would not be two hard for a user to set this variable. Everybody gets what 
> they 
> want. It is not intrusive. It survives updates. Only needs to be done once.
> Now, if anybody wants to us the current method and furture versions he can
> or set up he wants.

Windows, Mac, and Linux and other Unix-like systems all have such a
system variable already, in their respective graphical desktop
software. There is absolutely no need, and hardly any purpose either, in
creating another setting - in fact it would only create further
confusion. The respective already-existing settings for each OS were
already mentioned earlier in this thread; all that's required for
ConTeXt is to read the system setting that already exists and use it. If
the user's default turns out to be not set, ConTeXt could do any
combination of [complain] [open the user's system preferences for
editing] [use its own default PDF software] [whatever else Hans et al
have up their collective sleeve]. This means ConTeXt needs a
small-but-cumbersome list of all the places to look where the user may
have set their preferred PDF viewer, but that's just the price of being

Anyone working with PDF is running a graphical desktop, right? I can see
that people may prefer to work in terminal emulators as a matter of
comfort/utility/familiarity, but is there anyone using ConTeXt and (on
Linux or other Unix-like system) not running X11? (I think it's almost
perfectly safe to assume that no Windows ConTeXt users are running
straight DOS without a GUI...)

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Re: [NTG-context] Cloze Text (text with gaps)

2013-06-26 Thread David Rogers
Christian Prim  writes:

> I wonder if I can typeset a cloze text using context. The gaps (__)
> must have a given length (say in cm or the length of a given word, given
> sentence) and must break at the end of a line.
> \hl[4] is nice but won't do the trick since it won't break. \fillinline and
> others fill the hole line, but I only want to fill a given size.
> Are there some ideas how to deal with it?
> Example:
> The name of the _ is _
> . And now it's time to go to bed.
> Some more text.

I haven't tested these ideas...

One possibility: type the answer in white, but give it a coloured
\underbar. (You might need to type longer answers, or in a larger font
size, to leave enough room for hand writing.)

Another: use a \fillinline - you can define the length.

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Re: [NTG-context] What are the best fonts to use

2011-03-14 Thread David Rogers

* Cecil Westerhof  [2011-03-14 12:44]:

At the moment I use for my ebook:

Does not look to bad, but layout is not my forte. So if people have tips
about the fonts to use, I like to hear them.

Do you use other fonts when using a printed book?

I don't think this question can have one answer. There are many good
answers, depending on the kind of book (or other printed material).

1. I think the layout of the page itself can have a great deal to do
with whether a certain font looks good (e.g. amount of white space,
length of lines, etc). Paying proper attention to the "gross" aspects of
your layout, such as margins and line heights, goes a long way to
improving the appearance of the whole work, and brings out the best in
whichever font you choose.

2. To some extent, different fonts can suit different material (e.g. a
book of poems vs a financial report, or a textbook vs a novel). For
extended reading, the conventional wisdom is to choose a
"normal-looking" font that doesn't call attention to itself too much,
but obviously you also want one that is at least somewhat attractive to
look at.

3. Frankly, giving people what they are already used to is often the
best plan - probably more often than typographers would care to admit.
In my opinion, variation for its own sake is over-rated and over-used.

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Re: [NTG-context] TTF fonts and MKIV

2011-01-28 Thread David Rogers

* John Culleton  [2011-01-28 16:39]:

Is there a short, simple guide somewhere that shows how to use TTF and
OTF fonts in Context? I downloaded the new Fonts chapter but it goes
deep into the weeds on typescripts etc.  I am looking for a method
that allows me to do in Context what I can already do in most other
DTP programs: simply designate for use a font or font family that
exists in /usr/share/fonts without typescripts, complex and confusing
aliasing schemes or tfm files.

The Simplefont module by Wolfgang Schuster is very good for my (not
highly demanding) purposes. Certainly it is intended to do just what you

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Re: [NTG-context] Running Mk-IV using TeXLive 2010

2010-10-05 Thread David Rogers

* R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar  [2010-10-05 22:33]:

Dear Folks,
When I compiled a trivial file called first.tex using

texexec first

I got in the output, inter alia,
ConTeXt  ver: 2010.07.30 11:35 MKII  fmt: 2010.10.5  int:

Why am I not seeing Mk-IV yet?

"texexec" gives MkII; "context" gives MkIV. I think this may need to be
documented somewhere easier to find for those new to ConTeXt.

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Re: [NTG-context] TeXexec MkII, ConTeXt MkIV

2010-10-02 Thread David Rogers

* Tom Maynard  [2010-10-02 17:25]:


I have pretty recent installations of TeXLive 2010 (for Cygwin) and 
ConTeXt Minimals (for Windows).  In both installations, running 
TeXexec reports it is ConTeXt MkII ... but running ConTeXt directly 
reports itself as MkIV.

I would like to synchronize TeXexec and MkIV ... as MkIV ... how is 
this done -- for each installation?

The "old" ConTeXt (MkII) is accessed through the texexec command. The
"new" ConTeXt (MkIV) is accessed through the context command. If you
want to use MkIV, simply use the context command in every case, and
forget the texexec command (unless you do mean MkII).

I hope that was useful and had something to do with what you wanted to
know. :)

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Re: [NTG-context] installing minimals

2010-09-18 Thread David Rogers

* Charles Doherty  [2010-09-18 09:29]:

Dear Mojca,

Here is the sequence that I used:

cd context

curl -o

sh ./

source ./tex/setuptex

echo '. ~/context/tex/setuptex' >> .bash_profile

luatools --selfupdate

mtxrun --selfupdate

luatools --generate

context --make

sh ./ --extras=all

In TeXShop I  then run a one page file called Purser.tex . The console readout 
gives me:


Here's a total shot in the dark (I don't use OS X anymore):

Last time that I used TeXShop, it had an "engine" file in the library
folder that I sometimes had to modify if ConTeXt changed the commands
available for use.

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Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt meeting Lua tutorials

2010-08-23 Thread David Rogers

* Taco Hoekwater  [2010-08-23 20:22]:

On 08/23/2010 06:37 PM, Mojca Miklavec wrote:

[the following is just some brainstorming]

For fonts, agreed with Luigi, it would be nice to see some lua code that
a) takes a bunch of fonts as input (like:
regular/italic/bold/bolditalic/script) and writes some simple sentence
with all variants; switching options on and off (after thinking a bit,
this can just as well be done in almost-plain-TeX in LuaTeX, so maybe
it's not such a good idea)

This teaches nothing that really needs the lua font interface, so I
do not think that is such a good idea either.

This brings up a possible point:
Some introductory matter on "What lua is and is not good for/needed

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Re: [NTG-context] Tikz calendar: \pgfutil undefined

2010-08-19 Thread David Rogers

* Fabrice Larribe  [2010-08-19 06:17]:


I have a problem to use the calendar from the Tikz/Pgf module; here
is a minimal example:


This should works:
\tikz  \calendar[dates=2000-01-01 to 2000-01-31,week list];
but this does not !

I'm using MKII (2010-05-24) from TeX Live 2010  (Note however that I
had the same problem with TeXLive 2009). The error is when the calendar
library is loaded:

! Undefined control sequence.
l.36 \let\t...@atbegin@day=\pgfutil

I have tried the Tikz distribution from TexLive, the latest Tikz
distribution from the suport Tikz page, and the distribution from the
module made for ConTeXt, but the problem remains. In the past (last
academic year, in may), this worked well, but I'm not able to find what
has changed.

The example still works in mkiv. (Minimal distribution, fairly recent)

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Re: [NTG-context] Grammar

2010-07-27 Thread David Rogers

* Marcin Borkowski  [2010-07-28 00:57]:

Dnia Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 01:06:27PM +, John Haltiwanger napisał(a):

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 8:47 AM, Marcin Borkowski
> Hi,
> what an interesting discussion!
> My personal point of view is that the so-called "political correctness"
> is something I actively fight against, by means of NOT using "they" or
> "Afroamericans" or other such strange inventions.  These new words
> somehow remind me of Orwell's 1984...

So what do you write instead? Negro?

And what's wrong with "Negro"?  AFAIK, it means "black", so it just
describes the reality.  This is what a word should do, right?  And btw,
the term "Afroamerican" doesn't really make much sense to me: what would
you call a Negro, born in France, and living in Germany, when you wanted
to distinguish him from a white man?  (Please note that by "man", I mean
"a human being of any sex";).)

To be more serious: I accept that there might be a problem caused by the
fact that I am not a native speaker of English.  I suspect that somehow
the neutral term "Negro" started being used in a derogatory fashion, and
that it might be unpleasant to black people to be called Negroes.  And
that's why I usually say just "black people".

Precisely. Some people began to use an ordinary word in a derogatory
way. After that, the word came to be recognized as ONLY a derogatory
word, and lost its status as an ordinary word.

It then seemed that the best thing to do was to find a neutral word to
replace the derogatory one, so that people could speak without being
rude. But the new word became dirty as well, so a third word had to be
brought into service. And so on.

Part of the problem is that the meaning of a word can be changed by the
intention of the speaker. Here's an example:

I know a woman who moved here from another country. Іn the country where
she lived before, there was a group of people she hated. When she says
the name of that group, it is a dirty word. When I say the same word, it
is neutral. And if we teach my friend a new word for that group of
people, she will change our new word into a dirty word as well. Changing
the syllables she utters does not change her intention.

'Political correctness' can be onerous, and often contradictory to my
anti-authoritarian nature, but in the end it is not "the Man" who
issues requests for language changes so much as the marginalized
groups that take issue with existing phrasing. Afroamericans, for
instance, was deprecated sometime around that year 1984.. It all boils
down to whether you care about what the people concerned are saying,
which is why I note the author's position when I encounter it. (Rather
than throwing their paper away, ala Khaled).

Well, "onerous" might not be the best word.  "Scary" might be better.

You see, I am quite convinced that trying to manipulate language "by
hand" is a very bad idea.  Maybe this is partly because I live in a
former Communist country (Poland); we have seen such things in the past.

In many cases, marginalized groups do request language changes, but very
often those requested changes then receive very strong support from "the
Man". Without that institutional support (mainly from government
agencies and schools), probably some of the new words would stick;
others would not. Some new words may be perfectly appropriate; others
are difficult to understand or even contrary to the truth. (One example:
in the area where I live, a person who requires treatment in a mental
hospital is called a "mental health consumer" - yet mental health is not
something that can be consumed. One of the local men, who has spent much
of his life in mental hospitals and has become an activist for improving
the conditions there, rejects such nonsensical labels and insists on
being called a "crazy person".)

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Re: [NTG-context] Grammar

2010-07-27 Thread David Rogers

* Hans Hagen  [2010-07-27 16:15]:

On 27-7-2010 4:10, David Rogers wrote:

In academic writing especially, it's necessary to weigh the effect of
this distraction before using anything other than standard
constructions. Sometimes this kind of focus on the writer's personality
and politics may be welcome, or even necessary; but in some situations
it is not.

so what do copy editors of scientific publications do when they see 
mixed (or inconsistent) usage of he/she/etc?

I'm not a regular reader of any scientific publications. I suspect there
are different de facto standards in different fields.

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Re: [NTG-context] Grammar

2010-07-27 Thread David Rogers

* John Haltiwanger  [2010-07-27 13:06]:

'Political correctness' can be onerous, and often contradictory to my
anti-authoritarian nature, but in the end it is not "the Man" who
issues requests for language changes so much as the marginalized
groups that take issue with existing phrasing. Afroamericans, for
instance, was deprecated sometime around that year 1984.. It all boils
down to whether you care about what the people concerned are saying,
which is why I note the author's position when I encounter it. (Rather
than throwing their paper away, ala Khaled).

This is always a contentious issue when software/coder types are
involved, one of the serious reasons why female participation in IT
(in general) and FLoSS (in particular) are so low: many men in these
circles will not, or can not, give room to critical complaints. The
problem always originates in the person complaining---they need to be
less serious, no one around here cares so stfu, etc. This is a serious
issue, and this is probably one of the least contentious starting
points for encountering it. That theory would be thrown away because
it attempts to consciously address real gender inequalities is a
depressing thought.

I for one have always thought it would be interesting to develop a
Unicode character that provides a symbol representing a neutral gender
pronoun. Then, anyone reading can insert he/she or another option to
their own taste.

That's an interesting idea, and in a way gets neatly around some of the
clumsiness of he/she and other constructions.

One of the difficulties with ALL the alternative ways of writing
pronouns, including new proposals, is that the mere use of any of them
places the writer into a sort of self-constructed ghetto. There is no
way around that that I can see, other than the hope that all other
writers adopt the same alternative way and turn it into the standard.

In the mean time, alternative constructions will continue to call
attention to the writer's personal and political views, for both good
and ill; as long as the writer's audience includes people who remember
standard English, any new pronouns (or old ones used in different ways)
become not just pronouns but part of the writer's message.

In academic writing especially, it's necessary to weigh the effect of
this distraction before using anything other than standard
constructions. Sometimes this kind of focus on the writer's personality
and politics may be welcome, or even necessary; but in some situations
it is not.

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Re: [NTG-context] Grammar (was: Semantic data in ConTeXt?)

2010-07-25 Thread David Rogers

* Matija Šuklje  [2010-07-25 23:33]:

P.S. Is there a nicer wording then "(s)he" for referencing persona in unisex
gender (other then "one")?

The correct unisex pronoun is "he". This whole question is an invented
problem where no real problem exists.

"They" is usually acceptable, even though it's technically incorrect.
Many teachers of English are against its use, but in "real life" nobody

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Re: [NTG-context] tabs in Lilypond

2010-02-11 Thread David Rogers

* Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky  [2010-02-11 21:30]:


Maybe it's wrong place to ask, but does anybody know how to typeset 
guitar tabulatures in Lilypond?

\new TabStaff { \clef "tab" c d e f g }  

And is ConTeXt Lilypond module is up to date?

Not sure about that. Last time I tried, I couldn't get it to work - but
it was probably my fault.

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Re: [NTG-context] two buglets

2010-02-11 Thread David Rogers

* Hans Hagen  [2010-02-11 18:17]:

are you sure that that's the convention for english? it's easy to 
change it ...

I've never seen an ordinary English index that was sorted by case.
English indexes should definitely default to case-insensitive.

(Has anyone here ever been asked for an index in English sorted by

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Re: [NTG-context] What do you miss in ConTeXt?

2010-02-08 Thread David Rogers

* Wolfgang Schuster  [2010-02-08 12:25]:

Hi all,

ConTeXt has many features but sometimes there is something missing, 
what feature or package do you miss which is already available in 
another TeX system or unavailable in any TeX system?

Five hundred pages of organized, detailed, up-to-date (well, somewhat
up-to-date) documentation, written by the small group of experts who are
so helpful on this list. If just one of you was unable to continue your
excellent work, FAR too much of the world knowledge of ConTeXt would
simply be gone, and that's not a good situation.

Compared to this, new features can wait - but here's my feature: ConTeXt
itself has beautiful support for side-by-side translations. It makes me
happy every time I look at the results. But... it works only on separate
pages. Making it work on columns as well would make my life easier. (May
be impossible, but you asked...)

|Original Language|First Translation|Second Translation|
|Bla bla bla ...  |Blu blu blu ...  |Ble ble ble ...   |

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Re: [NTG-context] publications and custom author separator

2009-08-30 Thread David Rogers
On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 16:55, Črt Gorup wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to replace ('in' instead of 'and') a  separator between the last
> two authors for every article, but I am facing a semi success. My approach
> was to set the variable finalnamesep in \setuppublicationlist. At the moment
> it is working only when there are three or more authors per entry.
> This example with 5 authors is ok, there is 'in' between last two authors.
> Rong-En Fan, Kai-Wei Chang, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Xiang-Rui Wang in Chih-Jen
> Lin, LIBLINEAR: A library for large linear classification v Journal of
> Machine
> Learning Research, 2008.
> This example has only 2 authors, there should be 'in' instead of 'and'.
> T. M. J. Fruchterman and E. M. Reingold, Graph drawing by force-directed
> placement v Software: Practice and Experience, št. 11, zv. 21, str.
> 1129-1164,
> 1991.
> Does anybody have any idea?

I believe that "in" is only used when the name after "in" is an editor
- not an author. With two authors (or many authors) but no editor,
then "and" is correct.

Forgive me if I'm wrong.

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[NTG-context] Choosing ConTeXt install method on Mac

2009-01-21 Thread David Rogers

Hello all

I'm going to do a clean re-install of my machine (Tiger on PPC) 
soon, and I'd like guidance on methods of installing ConTeXt. I 
assume that (a) TeX Live 2008 with its tlmgr utility, or (b) 
ConTeXt minimals, are the two realistic possibilities - is this correct?

What I'd like:

- A clear way of keeping ConTeXt mkiv usable and up to date with 
Hans's latest version

- An installation method that will continue to be maintained, 
and that is expected to be used by the majority of ordinary 
users of ConTeXt in the future

...So should I go for TeX Live, or the minimals, or something 
else I don't know about yet?

Grateful for any advice...
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Re: [NTG-context] mtxrun:1741: attempt to index a nil value

2008-08-11 Thread David Rogers
On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 4:15 AM, Henning Hraban Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For I had some problems with my installation I tried to start from
> scratch. But I'm stuck with an error in mtxrun:
> Welcome to Darwin!
> user$ cd /usr/local/ConTeXt/
> /usr/local/ConTeXt user$ rsync -ptv
> rsync:// .
> sent 115 bytes  received 1757 bytes  1248.00 bytes/sec
> total size is 1638  speedup is 0.88
> /usr/local/ConTeXt user$ ./ receiving file list ... done
> bin/
> bin/mtx-update-old.lua
> bin/mtx-update.lua
> bin/mtxrun
> bin/texlua
> sent 186 bytes  received 6127742 bytes  331239.35 bytes/sec
> total size is 6126659  speedup is 1.00
> MtxRun | version 1.1.0 - 2007+ - PRAGMA ADE / CONTEXT
> MtxRun | variable SELFAUTOLOC set to /usr/local/ConTeXt/bin
> MtxRun | variable SELFAUTODIR set to /usr/local/ConTeXt
> MtxRun | variable SELFAUTOPARENT set to /usr/local
> MtxRun | variable TEXMFCNF set to
> {$SELFAUTODIR,$SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/share,}/texmf{-local,.local,}/web2c}
> MtxRun | no cnf files found (TEXMFCNF may not be set/known)
> MtxRun | using script: bin/mtx-update.lua
> state | loaded
> update | start
> /usr/local/ConTeXt/bin/mtxrun:1741: attempt to index a nil value
> And that's it.
> Line 1741 of mtxrun contains a popen command to execute a system
> command; but even if I change that (e.g. printing the accessed
> variable before), the error stays at that line, so the message is
> probably wrong.
> Please help?

I had the same problem. I then gave the command as:

sudo ./

That succeeded, and the resulting ConTeXt installation seems to run
correctly - but I'm not smart enough to know why this worked or why it
should be necessary.

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Re: [NTG-context] American-style letters with t-letter?

2008-05-16 Thread David Rogers
On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 12:12 AM, Wolfgang Schuster
> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 11:02 PM, David Rogers
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all (but especially Wolfgang Schuster):
>> I'd like to use Wolfgang's t-letter module to set up a very basic
>> American-style letter. I see (by looking into t-letter.tex) that there
>> are at least plans for this to be possible. Is there a little example
>> anywhere of how to get started?
>> (Really, for my purposes, the basic DIN example as given in lm.pdf is
>> pretty good - just wondering what the other possibility looks like.)
> Hi David,
> I planned to provide a few american letter styles and you saw my
> comments in t-letter but I'm interested to know if want the element
> structure like normal block, semiblock etc. [1] formats where the
> position from every element depends on the last element or if it is
> acceptable to write styles where the positions for the insideaddress,
> the date and all other elements is fixed [2,page 4] like in my current
> styles and only the body text, the subject etc. depends on the page
> layout.
> This is important to know for me both if have to use two different
> systems for both solutions and the first requires more work because
> I have to take care to allow you to switch between all styles.

Thanks Wolfgang. I don't know the correct answer to this, so I'll wait
for someone who does.

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[NTG-context] American-style letters with t-letter?

2008-05-15 Thread David Rogers
Hi all (but especially Wolfgang Schuster):

I'd like to use Wolfgang's t-letter module to set up a very basic
American-style letter. I see (by looking into t-letter.tex) that there
are at least plans for this to be possible. Is there a little example
anywhere of how to get started?

(Really, for my purposes, the basic DIN example as given in lm.pdf is
pretty good - just wondering what the other possibility looks like.)

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Re: [NTG-context] help needed

2007-09-07 Thread David Rogers
On Fri, 07 Sep 2007 18:53:49 +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
> Francis Derive wrote:
>> Bonjour Mesdames, Mesdemoiselles, et Messieurs,
>> That means I need your help.
>> I feel quite an idiot, but I don't know what to do with - say the 
>> "cont-tmf" folder I downloaded for ma Mac Os X Tiger : looking inside, I 
>> don't see any application...

I suggest you try an application called TeXShop. It is a nice OS X 
application that allows you to use ConTeXt.

You can find it here:

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Re: [NTG-context] Letters in ConTeXt

2007-01-31 Thread David Rogers
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 22:30:27 +0100, Rolf Marvin Bøe Lindgren wrote:
> On 31. jan. 2007, at 9:08, David Rogers wrote:
>> The very simple example code given on Page 11 does not fail on my  
>> machine, though I don't know where to place my information.
> yes, that's one of the issues I have with the documentation :)

I'm starting to think that if I make an XML contacts file as described, I might 
be able to get it to work. I promise to post anything useful I find, unless 
Hans or someone explains it first.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Letters in ConTeXt

2007-01-31 Thread David Rogers
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 15:04:26 -0700, Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:
> On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 14:50:07 -0700, David Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
>> On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 22:30:27 +0100, Rolf Marvin Bøe Lindgren wrote:
>>> On 31. jan. 2007, at 9:08, David Rogers wrote:
>>>> The very simple example code given on Page 11 does not fail on my
>>>> machine, though I don't know where to place my information.
> check the log: it will probably say something about a missing module...
>>> yes, that's one of the issues I have with the documentation :)
>> I'm starting to think that if I make an XML contacts file as described,  
>> I might be able to get it to work. I promise to post anything useful I  
>> find, unless Hans or someone explains it first.
> Well, m-letter is not in the distribution so...
> This has been noted before eg

Thanks for the explanation.

But why does the code given in the right-hand margin of Page 11 in that little 
manual not fail? Where is it getting its place-holder data from?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Letters in ConTeXt

2007-01-31 Thread David Rogers
The very simple example code given on Page 11 does not fail on my machine, 
though I don't know where to place my information.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] indenting of first paragraph in (sub)section

2006-12-11 Thread David Rogers
Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky wrote:

>I' trying to figure out why
>does not indents the FIRST paragraph of a section or subsection.
>An example follows.
>Thanks in advance.

It is normal to not indent the first paragraph, only second and later 
paragraphs - because indenting is used to separate paragraphs from each other, 
and the first does not need to be separated from anything (because it was 

When I add a second paragraph to your example, it is indented according to your 

If you still want to indent the first paragraph, there's probably a way to 
force it; but I don't know how.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] how to produce text with facing translation?

2006-03-03 Thread David Rogers
On Fri, 3 Mar 2006 12:45:56 +0100, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
> Several other members said they were interested too. So could you  
> give us a hint how this can be achieved? Could we start from  
> something very simple and then move on to more advanced features? For  
> the time being, I don't need any floats etc., just basic texts on  
> both sides with footnotes and the possibility to give breakpoints on  
> the recto side.

I see what you're saying. I have no idea. Sorry to get hopes up over 

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] how to produce text with facing translation?

2006-03-02 Thread David Rogers
On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 11:37:47 +0100, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:

> 3. Would it be possible to have two sets of footnotes, one for the  
> text, one for the translation?

Just a few messages ago on the list was an answer to "Multiple Footnote 
Threads" - I think that one might solve this item.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Confusion with font instructions

2005-07-05 Thread David Rogers
Adam Lindsay wrote:

>David Rogers said this at Tue, 5 Jul 2005 09:18:45 -0700:
>>But if I change every times to lucida, typesetting reverts to cm (or
>>or whatever it is) and no lucida appears. What am I missing?
>Have you bought the lucida fonts for TeX?

Ah. That would explain it. I made too many assumptions from what I've
seen in other documents. Thanks.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Confusion with font instructions

2005-07-05 Thread David Rogers
Otared Kavian wrote:

>Following David's experience, I tried this and now eveything works  
>%% times-good.tex
>\usetypescript [adobekb]   [ec]
>\loadmapfile [context-base]

This works for me. It also works if I change every times to palatino.

But if I change every times to lucida, typesetting reverts to cm (or lm
or whatever it is) and no lucida appears. What am I missing?

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Solved! was Re: Confusion with font instructions

2005-07-04 Thread David Rogers
Radhelorn wrote:

>\loadmapfile [context-base] % !!!

On my machine, this was the missing piece. Thank you for your

(makes a deep bow)  :-)

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Confusion with font instructions

2005-07-04 Thread David Rogers
Hans Hagen wrote:

> Otared Kavian wrote:
>> used to work fine, but now it results in ConTeXt creating, the first
>> time, a whole bunch of things regarding fonts, and then the
>> resulting PDF contains some ugly jagging bitmap-looking characters
>> (interestingly this happens only to the text characters, not to the
>> math characters...).
>behaviour also depends on your local cont-sys.tex; what happens if you
>remove that file (or rename it)?

I don't have a cont-sys.tex anywhere, only cont-sys.ori and
cont-sys.rme (two of each). Is this relevant?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Confusion with font instructions

2005-07-04 Thread David Rogers
Hans Hagen wrote:

>David Rogers wrote:
>> OK, I tried this setup, and ConTeXt ran without stopping to complain,
>> but (as Otared described, I guess) the font actually produced is very
>> jaggy, both on screen and in print. My nostalgia for dot matrix
>> is not as great as one might suppose.  :-)
>So, do you get bitmaps fonts (i didn't kno wthat there were for the ps

Yes, or so it appears - a bitmap Times and a bitmap Palatino, which are
vaguely recognizable. (the Palatino has oval bowls and long serifs, for

>what does the pdftex log say?

I don't have the log of the first run, where it created the fonts, but
this is what I get now:


 TeXExec 5.4.2 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2005

fixing engine variable : pdfetex
executable : pdfetex
format : cont-en
 inputfile : PretendPaper
output : pdftex
 interface : en
  current mode : none
   TeX run : 1

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2005.06.27  fmt: 2005.7.2  int: english  mes: english

language: language en is active

system  : cont-new loaded
systems : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex
color   : palette rollover is available
system  : cont-old loaded
loading : Context Old Macros
system  : cont-fil loaded
loading : Context File Synonyms
system  : cont-sys.rme loaded
bodyfont: 12pt rm is loaded
language: patterns en->ec:ec->1->2:2 uk->ec:ec->2->2:2
nansi->3->2:2 de->ec:ec->4->2:2 fr->texnansi:texnansi->5->2:2
 es->ec:ec->7->2:2 pt->texnansi:texnansi->8->2:2 pt->ec:ec->9->2:2
:texnansi->10->2:2 it->ec:ec->11->2:2 nl->texnansi:texnansi->12->2:2
>13->2:2 cz->il2:il2->14->2:2 cz->ec:ec->15->2:2 sk->il2:il2->16->2:2
->17->2:2 pl->pl0:pl0->18->2:2 pl->ec:ec->19->2:2 loaded
specials: tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
system  : loaded
specials: loading definition file tpd
specials: loading definition file fdf
specials: fdf loaded
specials: fdf,tpd loaded
) (./env_mla.tex
systems : print width forced to paper width

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Confusion with font instructions

2005-07-04 Thread David Rogers
Adam Lindsay wrote:

>Hi Otared,
>What you mention sounds like a bug propagated by Hans last month. Take
>look at this thread:
>(Assuming you're comfortable with the CLI, I'd suggest verifying the
>file by navigating to /usr/local/teTeX/share or wherever your tex trees
>live, and looking for the file:
>ls */fonts/map/*/context/
>If a file is returned, delete it (and mktexlsr again).

I deleted the file you mentioned, ran mktexlsr, and I still
get the same effect. (I changed the font in my document from Times to
Palatino, in case I was only getting a Times that had been badly
generated on my first try with the map file still installed, but it now
creates a bad version of Palatino as well.)

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Confusion with font instructions

2005-07-04 Thread David Rogers
Adam Lindsay wrote:

>Patrick Gundlach said this at Mon, 4 Jul 2005 09:54:06 +0200:
>>Hello David,
>>> I am new to ConTeXt, as my question is about to reveal.
>>This questions can also come from more experienced users :)
>>> Which set of instructions should I follow, in order to allow use of
>>> Palatino or Times, on Mac OS X, Gerben Wierda's TeX distribution,
>>> ConTeXt installed? 
>>OK, do you have LaTeX working? Then you can use the standard
>>postscript fonts for ConTeXt as well. Have a look at the (yet
>>unfinished page)
>Sadly, that page relies on type-pre, which is deprecated!
>(Yes, the situation changes again.)
>So, the situation should now be:
>% Times, Helvetica, Courier:
>\usetypescript [adobekb]   [\defaultencoding] % default=ec
>\usetypescript [postscript][\defaultencoding]
>\setupbodyfont [postscript]

OK, I tried this setup, and ConTeXt ran without stopping to complain,
but (as Otared described, I guess) the font actually produced is very
jaggy, both on screen and in print. My nostalgia for dot matrix printers
is not as great as one might suppose.  :-)

And I thought I was just asking for a shortcut answer to a dumb

Thanks for the help
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Confusion with font instructions

2005-07-03 Thread David Rogers
Hi all

I am new to ConTeXt, as my question is about to reveal.

There are now several sets of instructions on the net, some of them very
long essays, about how to enable different fonts for ConTeXt. Before I
dive in:

Which set of instructions should I follow, in order to allow use of
Palatino or Times, on Mac OS X, Gerben Wierda's TeX distribution, latest
ConTeXt installed? I know the information is already out there, just
don't know which pages to trust my afternoon/weekend/summer to.  :-)

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] batch download from pragma

2005-03-11 Thread David Rogers
Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:

>Dear musketeers,
>How can I download all of the manuals and magazines from
>in batch, say, as a single zip file, or otherwise all at once? (I use 
>Windows for now). Is there an ftp site? Some
>other way (perhaps using wget.txt)?

Not certain if I'm a musketeer, but try this:

Download wget.txt to the directory where you want the files
cd to that directory
wget -Nxi wget.txt

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