Re: [NTG-context] Re: howto overlayers on section head

2004-08-11 Thread Eros Albertazzi
thanks again for the summary.
hope this back and forth will not be just a waste, but something out of 
which we can both/all learned to improuve.

Patrick Gundlach wrote:
This is partly high level ConTeXt (\framed, background) and low level
TeX (hfill,...).
"partially high and low"... Here laid  my question not easy to untungle 
for a beginner (and believe me I have read the docs, although I do not 
claim to remember or understand all)

Summary: define a metapost graphic, use \defineoverlay to access
the mp graphic and use \framed{} to access the overlay
(background=...) and use \setuphead (command=somecommand) to define
your own command that acesses the \framed[background=...].
"define your own command" , but you have to know THE (default) command 
fist, otherwise it is hard to obtain a result (.pdf) from something that 
is not just a copy of someonelse .tex

let me start basic, ex-1
let me remove \framed from your command, ex-2
\def\HeadTitle#1#2{\hbox to \hsize%
\setuphead [chapter]
the two ex-s  are not the same , because spacing between the number and 
the title and allignment, why?
Moving your howto overlay example, indeed very useful, from subject to 
chapter seems to me more subtle than just changing  section names
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Re: [NTG-context] Re: howto overlayers on section head

2004-08-10 Thread Eros Albertazzi
Patrick Gundlach wrote:
and down to the last item and take a look at
The sources are avialable there.
I have made some MP graphic around the section heading. 

Thanks a lot. I think I start to grasp.
I have experimented with some other graphics but if I use "chapter"
instead of "subject" as section heading the result is different.
I believe it depends on your
\def\HeadTitle#1#2{\hbox to \hsize%
tighted to the latter heading and not to the former .
Am I right?
Deeply down to low level TeX at this point?
Is just a question to redefine a command adding 
background=something-of-mine ?
Then where these command are discribed?
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