On 23-6-2010 12:43, Andreas Schneider wrote:
Andreas Schneider wrote:


as suggested in the thread about PDF Page Labels, \pdfcatalog can be used
to manually modify the PDF Stream. However it seems that this does not
currently work in MkIV (from the minimals, beta branch). In MkII it does
exactly as I though (the resulting PDF contains a Catalog section with the
content I passed to \pdfcatalog). In the PDF produced by MkIV however no
Catalog can be found.

The \pdfcatalog primitive is not broken, it's simply not present in mkiv where we have a rather strict control over access to pdf resources.

Anyhow, i'll add an option to the upcoming beta (normally I only do such weird features in paid projects). The thing is that it has to be hooked into the regular mechanisms properly (numbering, conversion) and the code in the mail you refer to is not ok (as it's hardcoded).

Concerning your example, control over numbers happens this way:

\definestructureconversionset[bodypart:pagenumber] [][numbers]



    \dorecurse{10}{\input zapf\par}

    \chapter{Test}      \dorecurse{15}{\input tufte\par}
    \chapter{TestAgain} \dorecurse{15}{\input ward\par}

    Index maybe.



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