
still some problems inserting a "tabulate" next to the picture (to be flowed 
around) - see the case study:

- Case 1:

There is some (unwanted) space bellow the picture which is not occupied by the surrounding text. It 
seems the height of "tabulate" is added bellow the picture and creates some 
"restricted" area.

- Case 2:

When all cells in the first column in the "tabulate" are empty ("\NC \NC"), the first 
column is somehow "ignored" (?!).

- Case 3:

There must be a space (some horizontal material?) at least in one cell of the 
first column to avoid ignoring the first column.

So - is it restricted to use "tabulate" next to a picture to be flowed around?

- I used "tabulate" to align some text horizontally. In the case attached, I'd like the 
rightmost column to have 2 inches in width and to be left-aligned. And I'd need to keep this 
disposition also in the flow around area next to the picture. Is there another way to achieve this, 
if this were not possible to use "tabulate"?

Best regards,


Ing. Lukáš Procházka [mailto:l...@pontex.cz]
Pontex s. r. o.      [mailto:pon...@pontex.cz] [http://www.pontex.cz]
Bezová 1658
147 14 Praha 4

Tel: +420 244 062 238
Fax: +420 244 461 038

Attachment: t-Hang2.mkiv
Description: Binary data

Attachment: t-Hang2.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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