Hans Hagen wrote:
At 10:18 20/02/2004, you wrote:

Hi all!

Is there a possiblity to have itemize calculate the optimal label width itself? I have an itemize that has rather different labels, e.g.:

\sym{1.} An item
\sym{2.} Another item
\sym{103 a.} An item with a very broad label

In this example the label "103 a." flows into the item text. It would be great if itemize would automatically use a label width that fits the broadest label.

for the moment use:


and remind me in a few couple of weeks (months); it's on my mental to-do list (not that hard to implement probably)


Ok - thanks for the reply.

Is there a (TeX-)dimension for the label width available? In other words: by which amount is the current text area narrowed after an item has started?


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