I am trying to write a macro which places a picture in the margin. I would like the centre of the picture to be aligned vertically with the centre of the paragraph in which I call the macro. The following works in simple cases:

\def\hazard#1{% The argument is the text of the paragraph
\setbox0=\vbox{#1}% I do this to work out the height of the paragraph
\inleft [low] {%
[height=\ht0,% This makes the height of the frame equal to the height of the paragraph
bottom=\vss,% These two lines centre the picture in the frame
{\externalfigure [sharp turn sign]}%
#1}% It goes wrong if you replace #1 with \box0

If I type something like

\hazard{…paragraph text…}

this produces what I want. But it breaks down with mathematics.


produces the picture aligned with the bottom of the mathematics.

A solution to this problem escapes me. Can anyone suggest an improved macro?

Best wishes,



Jonathan Nicholl
Department of Philosophy
King's College London

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