[NTG-context] New math collection ?

2006-03-08 Thread WN
Hi, I defined some extra math symbols based on the help of David Munger. David posted a question 2 years ago, asking the group how to define extra math symbols. He found a solution himself (see below) and what I am trying to do is to put this into a math collection like math-eul.tex but I am

[NTG-context] table-caption: centred or not??

2006-03-08 Thread Peter Münster
Hello, how are the rules, that determine if the caption is centred? Here my test-case, ok means: this is how I like it and not ok means, I don't like it: \setupcaptions[width=\makeupwidth] \def\MyTable#1{\placetable{\dorecurse{#1}{bla }}{\starttable[|c|] \NC This is a table.\NC\AR\stoptable}}

[NTG-context] Multi-page tables

2006-03-08 Thread Randall Skelton
Hi all, I'm having a bit of trouble getting multiple page tables to work when also using \placetable for captions. Essentially, I want: (1) Captions and the ability to reference with \in[]. (2) Alignment within a cell at a decimal point. (3) Span multiple pages with header/footer. I think

[NTG-context] \defineparagraphs, \setupparagraphs newbie question

2006-03-08 Thread frantisek holop
hi there, i am trying to step a 2 column paragraph \defineparagraphs [poem][n=2] \setupparagraphs [poem][1][width=.4\textwidth] \startpoem poemtitle \poem \startlines ... ... \stoplines \stoppoem the second column is always in \startlines .. \stoplines it is not clear to me after