On 5/8/2022 6:55 AM, Zhichu via ntg-context wrote:

I am going to convince the Board of a journal to consider ConTeXt as an additional option. I want to make a module before I say anything. Right now I have this title problem.

The journal requires the titles to be CAPITALISED, except for the acronyms. I'm currently using backticks`...`to wrap it and replace it with\egroup ...\WORD\bgroup{} with lpeg. This kinda works, but that's so ugly. Besides, the actual story is that I also want to
add markdown as an option, so the backticks actually have meanings.

I also checked thetypo-cap.luafile to get a clue. But I used to use TeX exclusively
and I have to admit that it's so overwhelming for a newbie.

I really like the way wherebibtextreats words enclosed in curly braces are ignored. Or are there something that's less aggressive than\WORDso the LaTeX trick works:

\protected\def\nocasing {\groupedcommand{\setcharactercasing[reset]}{}}


    \chapter{some \nocasing{kept} text or \casing[Word]{more} text}


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