Re: [NTG-context] Unexpected changes with pdfeTeX 1.20 (?)

2005-03-03 Thread Hans Hagen
Albrecht Kauffmann wrote:
Hi Steffen, hi all,
I've got the same problem too with TOC (and other lists). Additionally
are tables unintentionally indented when they contain local footnotes.
Could this be connected with the indentation of TOC etc.?
probably, you can test that with the patch i posted (or take the beta)
  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Unexpected changes with pdfeTeX 1.20 (?)

2005-03-03 Thread Albrecht Kauffmann
Hi Steffen, hi all,

I've got the same problem too with TOC (and other lists). Additionally
are tables unintentionally indented when they contain local footnotes.
Could this be connected with the indentation of TOC etc.?


On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

> Hi,
> while looking closer at the result of typesetting an older (Nov.
> 2004) document with todays pdfeTeX and context stuff I noticed that
> the layout of my TOC changed:
> Normally I write all setups in a SetupEnvironment file that is loaded
> at the beginning of a project structure.
> Like this:
> \startproject WLTHR_1
> \environment SetupEnvironment_WLTHR
> \startfrontmatter
> \component Kapitel/Titelei
> \component Kapitel/Vorwort
> \completecontent
> \stopfrontmatter
> \startbodymatter
> \component Kapitel/Kap_1
> \component Kapitel/Kap_2
> \component Kapitel/Kap_3
> \component Kapitel/Kap_4
> \component Kapitel/Kap_5
> \stopbodymatter
> \startbackmatter
> \component Kapitel/Katalog
> \component Kapitel/Literatur
> \stopbackmatter
> \stopproject
> But as in SetupEnvironment also \setupindenting is set, now the TOC
> gets this indenting too!
> Once (2004, before pdfeTeX 1.20 ?) this didn't affect the generated
> \completecontent - only the real \component files.
> Is this change known? Are there more differences like this, so one
> knows what to look for when typesetting older documents with new TeX
> (ConTeXt?) files?
> Steffen
> A minimal test looks like this:
> \starttext
> \showframe
> \showgrid
> \definecombinedlist[content]
> [chapter,section][level=section]
> \setupindenting[30pt]% <
> \completecontent% <---
> %\setupindenting[30pt]% <
> \chapter{Kapitel}
> text
> \section{Unterkapitel}
> text
> \section{Unterkapitel}
> text
> \stoptext
> ___
> ntg-context mailing list
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Re: [NTG-context] Unexpected changes with pdfeTeX 1.20 (?)

2005-03-01 Thread h h extern
Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
while looking closer at the result of typesetting an older (Nov. 2004) 
document with todays pdfeTeX and context stuff I noticed that the layout 
of my TOC changed:

Normally I write all setups in a SetupEnvironment file that is loaded at 
the beginning of a project structure.
Like this:

\startproject WLTHR_1
\environment SetupEnvironment_WLTHR
\component Kapitel/Titelei
\component Kapitel/Vorwort
\component Kapitel/Kap_1
\component Kapitel/Kap_2
\component Kapitel/Kap_3
\component Kapitel/Kap_4
\component Kapitel/Kap_5
\component Kapitel/Katalog
\component Kapitel/Literatur
But as in SetupEnvironment also \setupindenting is set, now the TOC gets 
this indenting too!
Once (2004, before pdfeTeX 1.20 ?) this didn't affect the generated 
\completecontent - only the real \component files.

Is this change known? Are there more differences like this, so one knows 
what to look for when typesetting older documents with new TeX 
(ConTeXt?) files?


A minimal test looks like this:
\setupindenting[30pt]% <
\completecontent% <---
%\setupindenting[30pt]% <
fix (\dontleavehmode -> \noindent) in core-sec.tex; you can put the patch in 
cont-new.tex if you have a recent version

\def\dodofixdlistelementABC#1#2#3#4#5#6% weeden
   \leftskip\listparameter\c!margin% na de \endgraf !
   \doif{\listparameter\c!interaction}\v!text % not supported
 % \dontleavehmode % new, else no margin, but wrong
 {\setlocalhsize \hsize\localhsize \hbox to \hsize
 \setbox2\hbox \ifdim\!!widtha>\zeropoint to \!!widtha \fi
  {\doifsomething{#5}% \listwidth is new ; temp hack
 {\hbox \ifdim\listwidth>\zeropoint to \listwidth\fi
  \dimen2=\!!widthc % \listparameter\c!distance
  \advance\hangindent \dimen2
  \ifdim\wd4=\zeropoint % \ifvoid4
% we kunnen gewoon afbreken aan het eind
  %\carryoverpar % new otherwise wrong linespacing
\ifdim\wd4=\zeropoint\relax % \ifvoid4
  % \ifdim\!!widtha<\hsize \hfill\strut \fi % spoils align

Re: [NTG-context] Unexpected changes with pdfeTeX 1.20 (?)

2005-03-01 Thread Peter Münster
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

> But as in SetupEnvironment also \setupindenting is set, now the TOC 
> gets this indenting too!
> Once (2004, before pdfeTeX 1.20 ?) this didn't affect the generated 
> \completecontent - only the real \component files.
> Is this change known? Are there more differences like this, so one 
> knows what to look for when typesetting older documents with new TeX 
> (ConTeXt?) files?

Hello Steffen,

yes, this change is known, see the thread
"indenting and \placelocalfootnotes" from 14 Feb 2005.

Cheers, Peter

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