Hi Peer,

That feature was removed in https://github.com/ntop/ntopng/commit/1dba3343e3a8dd2a403bf4425663a0c7f52582c9 because of some changes in the sankey code which broke the page. Nevertheless, I think that the ability to easily inspect the active traffic between two hosts is very useful, so please open a new feature request at https://github.com/ntop/ntopng and we will discuss how to integrate this feature in the new gui in a better way.



On 3/25/20 5:54 PM, Peer Melnik wrote:
Hi Emanuele,

thanks for your answer. What I meen isn´t the single click on the host name but the dbl click on the middle of the row to show the flow between this two hosts.

    - I´m running ntopng in Chromium, but I also tested with Firefox and Edge (all new versions).

    - the dblclick shows no error in the javascript console

I think this is clear, because the code to call the hosts_comparation.lua is missing.

In the older version of the Dashboard site the HTML Code show in the script section the following snippet:

   .on("dblclick", function(d) {
        url_ref = "/lua/hosts_comparison.lua?hosts="+escape(d.source.host);

        if(iface_vlan )
          url_ref  += "@"+escape(d.source.vlan);

        url_ref += ","+escape(d.target.host);

        if(iface_vlan )
          url_ref  += "@"+escape(d.target.vlan);

          window.location.href = url_ref;

which is not be found in the newer versions of code. I beleave that is why the host comparation site is not shown.

Would you agree and what is to do?

Thx and Rgds,


Am 25.03.2020 um 16:30 schrieb Emanuele Faranda:
Hi Peer,

This works for me, a single click on the host name brings me to the host details view. If it does not work for you please open a new issue on https://github.com/ntop/ntopng and report:

    - The browser you are using

    - If you open the javascript console of the browser, do you any errors?



On 3/25/20 3:36 PM, Peer Melnik wrote:
Dear all,

Up to now I´m using ntopng Community/Embedded Edition v.3.9.190318 under Raspbian Stretch. The Double Click on Top Flow Talker to go deeper in information works fine.

Has anyone an idea why in the latest versions for Buster this function does not exist (at the Traffic Dashboard HTML code script part the ondblclick code is missing).  V.4.1.200324 offers no change whatsoever.

I hope this feature can be reenabled.

Thx and Rgds,


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