Dear Parents & Guardians,

1. Grade 10 parents received a report card for Civics/Careers yesterday. This 
is a ½-year course and achievement in this course is included here. Please ask 
your child if you have not seen the report card.

2. Our next School Council meeting is on Wednesday, February 15 (7:30-9:00 
p.m.). Please see a previous email for more information. Consider joining us to 
hear a great speaker: Dr. Amy Cheung speaking about "Adolescent Anxiety & 
Mental Health".

3. Friday, February 17th is a professional activity day for all secondary 
teachers. There will be no classes on this day.

4. Congratulations to all of our staff, students and parents for your 
generosity during all of our Charity Week initiatives. We still await the final 
tally of cash raised for "Spread the Net". Fashion Show "Neverland" sold out on 
two nights. Photography of the show is available at<>.
 Prints or digital prints are available for $1/photo and support the charity. 
Order forms are at this website for a limited time only.

5. Our 100th anniversary is fast approaching. There will be celebrations for 
our students the week of the anniversary (May 10-12) and many opportunities for 
students to participate at our Open House on May 12th. Information about our 
100th reunion can be found at<>. Please 
consider attending some of the events.

Have a fantastic Family Day on February 20th!

Joel Gorenkoff
North Toronto CI

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