Dear Parents & Guardians,

Students will receive their examination schedule for June tomorrow in their 
home form classes. Please review the details of this document and calendar with 
your child. This will allow you to plan your end of school year calendar and 
holidays. Exams are mandatory. Please review our examination expectations and 
procedures on the back of the schedule as well as in your child's agenda book.

Please note a couple of significant dates:

Monday, June 23 (a.m.) - students will have an opportunity to review their 
written exams.
Tuesday, June 24 (p.m.) - students will see their tentative final marks and be 
able to discuss them with their teachers.

It is important that your child attend these sessions (exact times will be 
shared later) as once report cards are distributed, it may be too late to make 
any changes.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


Joel Gorenkoff

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