Hi all,

we're seeing an error message on the render farm with one of our scripts:
ERROR: ReadGeo1.fbx_take_name: unexpected 'i' in "ReadGeo2.fbx_take_name i"
ERROR: ReadGeo1.fbx_node_name: unexpected 'i' in "ReadGeo2.fbx_node_name i"/

it seems to render fine, though. but i will have to cross-check with the artist in charge tomorrow.

what i can say about the affected nodes - ReadGeo1 and ReadGeo2 - is that ReadGeo1 was created through the nShakeClone.py script (http://www.nukepedia.com/python-scripts/nodegraph/nshakeclone/) which means ReadGeo1 (the 'slave') is expression-linked to ReadGeo2 with almost all knobs. ReadGeo2 (the 'master') has an OBJ file in the 'file' knob. (see the pasted nodes below)


/n = nuke.selectedNode() /

/print n['fbx_take_name'].value()/

/print n['fbx_node_name'].value()/

on each of the nodes to read the value of 'fbx_take_name' and 'fbx_node_name' gives the same result on all nodes and knobs:

/# Result:/

/{0} "------- "/

/{0} "------- "/

obviously, those nodes don't show up in the control panel as there is an OBJ being read and not an FBX. i imagine it has to do with this and the expression-linking of the 'slave' node, but i'm not sure.

has anybody else experienced this before and knows whether this is probably a bug or whether the nShakeClone script should be modified to avoid this?

thanks for any help!



affected nodes:

set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 6.3 v7
push $cut_paste_input
ReadGeo2 {
file "\[value ReadGeo2.file]"
cacheLocal {{ReadGeo2.cacheLocal}}
version {{ReadGeo2.version}}
fbx_take_name {{{"ReadGeo2.fbx_take_name i"}} "-------          "}
fbx_node_name {{{"ReadGeo2.fbx_node_name i"}} "-------          "}
fbx_load_take_node_names {{ReadGeo2.fbx_load_take_node_names x2739 0}}
frame_rate {{ReadGeo2.frame_rate}}
use_frame_rate {{ReadGeo2.use_frame_rate}}
object_type {{ReadGeo2.object_type}}
all_objects {{ReadGeo2.all_objects}}
read_on_each_frame {{ReadGeo2.read_on_each_frame}}
update_mode {{ReadGeo2.update_mode}}
full_geometry_frame {{ReadGeo2.full_geometry_frame}}
read_texture_w_coord {{ReadGeo2.read_texture_w_coord}}
display {{ReadGeo2.display}}
selectable {{ReadGeo2.selectable}}
render_mode {{ReadGeo2.render_mode}}
read_from_file {{ReadGeo2.read_from_file}}
xform_order {{ReadGeo2.xform_order x2739 0}}
rot_order {{ReadGeo2.rot_order}}
translate {{ReadGeo2.translate} {ReadGeo2.translate} {ReadGeo2.translate}}
rotate {{ReadGeo2.rotate} {ReadGeo2.rotate} {ReadGeo2.rotate}}
scaling {{ReadGeo2.scaling} {ReadGeo2.scaling} {ReadGeo2.scaling}}
uniform_scale {{ReadGeo2.uniform_scale}}
skew {{ReadGeo2.skew} {ReadGeo2.skew} {ReadGeo2.skew}}
pivot {{ReadGeo2.pivot} {ReadGeo2.pivot} {ReadGeo2.pivot}}
useMatrix {{ReadGeo2.useMatrix}}
matrix {
{{ReadGeo2.matrix} {ReadGeo2.matrix} {ReadGeo2.matrix} {ReadGeo2.matrix}} {{ReadGeo2.matrix} {ReadGeo2.matrix} {ReadGeo2.matrix} {ReadGeo2.matrix}} {{ReadGeo2.matrix} {ReadGeo2.matrix} {ReadGeo2.matrix} {ReadGeo2.matrix}} {{ReadGeo2.matrix} {ReadGeo2.matrix} {ReadGeo2.matrix} {ReadGeo2.matrix}}
name ReadGeo1
selected true
xpos 1120
ypos -316
disable {{ReadGeo2.disable}}
dope_sheet {{ReadGeo2.dope_sheet}}
push 0
ReadGeo2 {
file X:/object.obj
rot_order XYZ
name ReadGeo2
selected true
xpos 895
ypos -347

Holger Hummel  -  hol...@celluloid-vfx.com

Celluloid Visual Effects, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 39/40, 10999 Berlin
phone +49 (0)30 / 54 735 220  -  m...@celluloid-vfx.com

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