"George Nurser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have run into a strange problem with the current numpy/f2py (f2py
> 2_2631, numpy 2631).
> I have a file [Wright.f] which contains 5 different fortran
> subroutines. Arguments have been specified as input or output by
> adding cf2py    intent (in), (out) etc.
> Doing
> f2py -c Wright.f -m Wright.so

simply try 

f2py -c Wright.f -m Wright

instead. Python extension modules require the an exported routine
named init<module name> (initWright in this case). But you told f2py
to generate an extension module named "so" in a package named
"Wright", so the generated function is named initso. The *.so file
cannot be renamed because then there is no more matching init function

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