On Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 6:49 PM Charles R Harris <charlesr.har...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> On behalf of the NumPy team, I'm pleased to announce the release of NumPy
> 1.23.0. The NumPy 1.23.0 release continues the ongoing work to improve the
> handling and promotion of dtypes, increase the execution speed, clarify the
> documentation, and expire old deprecations. The highlights are:
>    - Implementation of ``loadtxt`` in C, greatly improving its
>    performance.
>    - Exposing DLPack at the Python level for easy data exchange.
>    - Changes to the promotion and comparisons of structured dtypes.
>    - Improvements to f2py.
> The Python versions supported in this release are 3.8-3.10, 3.11 will be
> supported when it comes out. Note that 32 bit wheels are only provided for
> Windows, all other wheels are 64 bits on account of Ubuntu, Fedora, and
> other Linux distributions dropping 32 bit support. All 64 bit wheels are
> also linked with 64 bit OpenBLAS. Wheels can be downloaded from PyPI
> <https://pypi.org/project/numpy/1.23.0/>; source archives, release notes,
> and wheel hashes are available on Github
> <https://github.com/numpy/numpy/releases/tag/v1.23.0>.

<snip> I included the buggy pdf doc files in the documentation. As
discussed before, we should probably just drop those from the website. It
looks like deleting two lines will remove the links, I'm not sure how to
remove the content and didn't try. It was enough trouble editing
the Makefile to ignore the bugs and run with Python 3.10. Deleting those
files has got to help the growing size of the numpy.org repo, which is
enormous these days.

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