[Numpy-discussion] Simple way to launch python processes?

2011-12-07 Thread Lou Pecora
I would like to launch python modules or functions (I don't know which is 
easier to do, modules or functions) in separate Terminal windows so I can see 
the output from each as they execute.  I need to be able to pass each module or 
function a set of parameters.  I would like to do this from a python script 
already running in a Terminal window.  In other words, I'd start up a master 
script and it would launch, say, three processes using another module or a 
function with different parameter values for each launch and each would run 
independently in its own Terminal window so stdout from each process would go 
to it's own respective window.  When the process terminated the window would 
remain open.

I've begun to look at subprocess modules, etc., but that's pretty confusing. I 
can do what I say above manually, but it's gotten clumsy as I want to run 
eventually in 12 cores.

I have a Mac Pro running Mac OS X 10.6.

If there is a better forum to ask this question, please let me know. 

Thanks for any advice.

-- Lou Pecora,   my views are my own.___
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Simple way to launch python processes?

2011-12-07 Thread Olivier Delalleau
Maybe try stackoverflow, since this isn't really a numpy question.
To run a command like python myscript.py arg1 arg2 in a separate process,
you can do:
p = subprocess.Popen(python myscript.py arg1 arg2.split())
You can launch many of these, and if you want to know if a process p is
over, you can call p.poll().
I'm sure there are other (and better) options though.

-=- Olivier

2011/12/7 Lou Pecora lou_boog2...@yahoo.com

 I would like to launch python modules or functions (I don't know which is
 easier to do, modules or functions) in separate Terminal windows so I can
 see the output from each as they execute.  I need to be able to pass each
 module or function a set of parameters.  I would like to do this from a
 python script already running in a Terminal window.  In other words, I'd
 start up a master script and it would launch, say, three processes using
 another module or a function with different parameter values for each
 launch and each would run independently in its own Terminal window so
 stdout from each process would go to it's own respective window.  When the
 process terminated the window would remain open.

 I've begun to look at subprocess modules, etc., but that's pretty
 confusing. I can do what I say above manually, but it's gotten clumsy as I
 want to run eventually in 12 cores.

 I have a Mac Pro running Mac OS X 10.6.

 If there is a better forum to ask this question, please let me know.

 Thanks for any advice.

 -- Lou Pecora, my views are my own.

 NumPy-Discussion mailing list

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Simple way to launch python processes?

2011-12-07 Thread Jean-Baptiste Marquette
You should consider the powerful multiprocessing package. Have a look on this 
piece of code:

import glob
import os
import multiprocessing as multi
import subprocess as sub
import time

Python = '/Library/Frameworks/EPD64.framework/Versions/Current/bin/python'
Xterm = '/usr/X11/bin/xterm '

coord = []
Size = '100x10'
XPos = 810
YPos = 170
XOffset = 0
YOffset = 0

for i in range(NPROC):
if i % 2 == 0:
coord.append(Size + '+' + str(YPos) + '+' + str(YOffset))
coord.append(Size + '+' + str(XPos) + '+' + str(YOffset))
YOffset = YOffset + YPos

def CompareColourRef(Champ):
BaseChamp = os.path.basename(Champ)
NameProc = int(multi.current_process().name[-1]) - 1
print 'Processing', BaseChamp, 'on processor', NameProc+1
os.putenv('ADAM_USER', DirWrk + 'adam_' + str(NameProc+1))
Command =  Xterm + '-geometry ' + '' + coord[NameProc] + ' -T  Proc' + 
str(NameProc+1) + ' ' + BaseChamp + ' ' + ' -e  ' + Python + ' ' + DirSrc + \
'CompareColourRef.py ' + BaseChamp + ' 21 | tee ' + DirLog + 
BaseChamp + '.log'
Process = sub.Popen([Command], shell=True)
print BaseChamp, 'processed on processor', NameProc+1

pool = multi.Pool(processes=NPROC)

Champs = glob.glob(DirImg + '*/*')
results = pool.map_async(CompareColourRef, Champs)

while results._number_left  0:
print Waiting for, results._number_left, 'tasks to complete'


print 'Process completed'


Le 7 déc. 2011 à 15:43, Olivier Delalleau a écrit :

 Maybe try stackoverflow, since this isn't really a numpy question.
 To run a command like python myscript.py arg1 arg2 in a separate process, 
 you can do:
 p = subprocess.Popen(python myscript.py arg1 arg2.split())
 You can launch many of these, and if you want to know if a process p is over, 
 you can call p.poll().
 I'm sure there are other (and better) options though.
 -=- Olivier
 2011/12/7 Lou Pecora lou_boog2...@yahoo.com
 I would like to launch python modules or functions (I don't know which is 
 easier to do, modules or functions) in separate Terminal windows so I can see 
 the output from each as they execute.  I need to be able to pass each module 
 or function a set of parameters.  I would like to do this from a python 
 script already running in a Terminal window.  In other words, I'd start up a 
 master script and it would launch, say, three processes using another 
 module or a function with different parameter values for each launch and each 
 would run independently in its own Terminal window so stdout from each 
 process would go to it's own respective window.  When the process terminated 
 the window would remain open.
 I've begun to look at subprocess modules, etc., but that's pretty confusing. 
 I can do what I say above manually, but it's gotten clumsy as I want to run 
 eventually in 12 cores.
 I have a Mac Pro running Mac OS X 10.6.
 If there is a better forum to ask this question, please let me know. 
 Thanks for any advice.
 -- Lou Pecora, my views are my own.
 NumPy-Discussion mailing list
 NumPy-Discussion mailing list

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Simple way to launch python processes?

2011-12-07 Thread Lou Pecora
From: Olivier Delalleau sh...@keba.be

To: Discussion of Numerical Python numpy-discussion@scipy.org 
Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2011 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] Simple way to launch python processes?

Maybe try stackoverflow, since this isn't really a numpy question.
To run a command like python myscript.py arg1 arg2 in a separate process, you 
can do:
    p = subprocess.Popen(python myscript.py arg1 arg2.split())
You can launch many of these, and if you want to know if a process p is over, 
you can call p.poll().
I'm sure there are other (and better) options though.

-=- Olivier

Thank you.
-- Lou Pecora, my views are my own.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Simple way to launch python processes?

2011-12-07 Thread Lou Pecora
From: Jean-Baptiste Marquette marqu...@iap.fr

To: Discussion of Numerical Python numpy-discussion@scipy.org 
Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2011 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] Simple way to launch python processes?

You should consider the powerful multiprocessing package. Have a look on this 
piece of code:

import multiprocessing as multi
import subprocess as sub

Python = '/Library/Frameworks/EPD64.framework/Versions/Current/bin/python'
Xterm = '/usr/X11/bin/xterm '

coord = []
Size = '100x10'
XPos = 810
YPos = 170
XOffset = 0
YOffset = 0

for i in range(NPROC):
    if i % 2 == 0:
        coord.append(Size + '+' + str(YPos) + '+' + str(YOffset))
        coord.append(Size + '+' + str(XPos) + '+' + str(YOffset))
        YOffset = YOffset + YPos

def CompareColourRef(Champ):
    BaseChamp = os.path.basename(Champ)
    NameProc = int(multi.current_process().name[-1]) - 1
    print 'Processing', BaseChamp, 'on processor', NameProc+1
    os.putenv('ADAM_USER', DirWrk + 'adam_' + str(NameProc+1))
    Command =  Xterm + '-geometry ' + '' + coord[NameProc] + ' -T  Proc' + 
str(NameProc+1) + ' ' + BaseChamp + ' ' + ' -e  ' + Python + ' ' + DirSrc + \
        'CompareColourRef.py ' + BaseChamp + ' 21 | tee' + DirLog + BaseChamp 
+ '.log'
    Process = sub.Popen([Command], shell=True)
    print BaseChamp, 'processed on processor', NameProc+1

pool = multi.Pool(processes=NPROC)

Champs = glob.glob(DirImg + '*/*')
results = pool.map_async(CompareColourRef, Champs)

while results._number_left  0:
    printWaiting for, results._number_left, 'tasks to complete'


print'Process completed'



Wow.  I will have to digest that, but thank you.

-- Lou Pecora, my views are my own.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list