On 3/15/06, Jason Ferrara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not currently using a StartupItem, but I could.

Are you starting it from the rc file?

> But then the question is how do I make sure that at shutdown time its the 
> last StartupItem to get run, and that when it is run the filesystems are 
> synced and read only.

Good question - I don't know if you even get that level of control with launchd.

> I'm using an APC SmartUPS 3000. The reason I'm using nut instead of the built 
> in OS X stuff is that I need to shutdown a few othr machines (mac and linux) 
> that also get power from the UPS.

The meta-driver idea that I was describing could work here - after
catching the low-battery event, the driver could stall the OS from
shutting down until the slave systems were notified.

- Charles Lepple

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