OS name and version:  MacOS 10.9.5 on 2011 Mac mini
NUT version:  2.7.4-1
NUT installation method:  Package installed via FINK and FinkCommander
Exact device name:  APC Back-UPS NS 650M1 (brand new)


I have the NUT client installed and running properly; two processes running
as root and the other as regular user processes.  The NUT server is my
Synology NAS (DS416).  Client is communicating with server (confirmed by
running "sudo upsc UPS@[Your_IP]”).  It receives events when I manually
pull the power plug and shuts down properly when I do a forced shutdown (by
doing “sudo upsmon -c fsd” via telnet on the NAS).

The problem is when there is an actual brief power outage of a few seconds,
maybe 5 - 10 seconds max.  The NAS stays powered up, however the Mac mini
(NUT client) shuts down.  When booted back up it immediately shuts down
again.  It will keep shutting down as soon as it boots up in MacOS and will
keep doing that until I reboot the NAS.  I’m not sure if the problem is the
client or server, however I’ve been talking to Synology Tech Support and
this was their last message:

"Can you please check the NUT settings on your Clients and make sure that
there is enough of a delay/wait period after it gets the signal.”

What delay are they talking about?  I have looked through the upsmon.conf
and am not sure if anything there is the appropriate delay to adjust.  Does
that even seem right?  Is the problem with the client or the server?  I can
paste my upsmon.conf and any logs if necessary.  Any help would be greatly
appreciated.  Thank you.


Todd B.
Nut-upsuser mailing list

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