On Mar 26, 2018, at 5:42 PM, Bill Sautter wrote:
> One of the 3 ups’s that I am trying to configure is a Tripp Lite
> SU5000RT4UHV.
>The ups is recognized by the IETF 1.4 MIB, but I am getting
> Unhandled ASN 0x80 and 0x81 when starting upsdrvctl with the –D option.
"Unhandled ASN ..." by itself isn't fatal, but you might be running into
another issue. Do your symptoms match those described here?
> When I do a upsc {name of ups} the message returned is Error: Connection
> failure: Connection refused.
"Connection refused" means that upsd is not running, or not listening on the
interface you expected. If you have a firewall set up, it is probably easier to
use "LISTEN" to listen on all IPv4 addresses, rather than choosing a
specific IP to listen on (as older versions of upsd.conf tend to recommend).
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