Re: [Nut-upsuser] Cyberpower PR2200ELCDRT2U [HCL]

2017-11-13 Thread Christoph Lampl
Dear Charles,

thanks for all your information.

By using usbhid-driver we tested PR2200ELCDRT2U. FreeNAS was receiving "ONBATT" 
successfully and also initiated it's graceful shutdown!

So thanks for your information! :) I'm happy that it works!


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Charles Lepple [] 
Gesendet: Sonntag, 12. November 2017 21:12
An: Christoph Lampl 
Betreff: Re: [Nut-upsuser] Cyberpower PR2200ELCDRT2U [HCL]

On Nov 10, 2017, at 5:31 PM, Christoph Lampl  wrote:
> Dear Charles,
> thanks for your quick answer and your information! I didn't know there is a 
> difference in the PR-series between old and new. So thanks for this valuable 
> information!

Just a lucky guess :-) We tend not to know about changes like this until 
someone reports an issue.
> usbconfig dump_device_desc shows:
> ugen0.2:  at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=LOW 
> (1.5Mbps) pwr=ON (50mA)   
>  bLength = 0x0012 
>  bDescriptorType = 0x0001 
>  bcdUSB = 0x0110  
>  bDeviceClass = 0x 
>  bDeviceSubClass = 0x 
>  bDeviceProtocol = 0x 
>  bMaxPacketSize0 = 0x0008 
>  idVendor = 0x0764
>  idProduct = 0x0601   
>  bcdDevice = 0x0200   
>  iManufacturer = 0x0003   
>  iProduct = 0x0001  
>  iSerialNumber = 0x
>  bNumConfigurations = 0x0001
> Right now, I selected " Cyber Power Systems ups 3 OR2200LCDRM2U USB 
> (usbhid-ups)" in the dropdown menu, in order to shift away from 
> powerpanel-driver to usbhid-driver.

Thanks, good to know. PR6000LCDRTXL5U would probably also work.

> However, when choosing this driver, freenas shows this log:
> Nov 10 23:04:45 storageunit upsd[17599]: mainloop: Interrupted system 
> call Nov 10 23:04:45 storageunit upsmon[17621]: upsmon parent: read
> I guess, interrupted system call shows up, because FreeNAS is already trying 
> to "read" a response from the battery from the previous attempt, however is 
> still waiting? So, basically, the output is "upsmon parent: read"... however, 
> this is all and there is no further output. But I think, there should be 
> further output, shouldn't it? (some sort like "link established 
> successfully").

Those are likely from the previous instances of upsd and upsmon - they look 
like the "errors" you get from sending SIGTERM to them.

The UPS drivers send their "connected" message to stdout, and they are not 
consistent about that, either. Pretty sure we have that logged as a bug.

Do you know the lowest syslog level FreeNAS logs by default? (debug, info, 
notice, etc. - see for the 
list, and it might be in /etc/syslog.conf)

> Meanwhile I tried connecting the UPS PR2200ELCDRT2U to pfSense system. 
> However, I'm receiving the same error there, too.
> Nov 10 13:59:45   upsmon   49323   Poll UPS 
> [PR2200ELCDRT2U] failed - Driver not connected
> Nov 10 13:59:40   upsmon   49323   UPS PR2200ELCDRT2U 
> is unavailable
> Nov 10 13:59:40   upsmon   49323   Poll UPS 
> [PR2200ELCDRT2U] failed - Driver not connected
> Nov 10 13:59:35   upsmon   49323   Communications 
> with UPS PR2200ELCDRT2U lost
> Nov 10 13:59

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Cyberpower PR2200ELCDRT2U [HCL]

2017-11-12 Thread Charles Lepple
On Nov 10, 2017, at 5:31 PM, Christoph Lampl  wrote:
> Dear Charles,
> thanks for your quick answer and your information! I didn't know there is a 
> difference in the PR-series between old and new. So thanks for this valuable 
> information!

Just a lucky guess :-) We tend not to know about changes like this until 
someone reports an issue.
> usbconfig dump_device_desc shows:
> ugen0.2:  at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=LOW 
> (1.5Mbps) pwr=ON (50mA)   
>  bLength = 0x0012 
>  bDescriptorType = 0x0001 
>  bcdUSB = 0x0110  
>  bDeviceClass = 0x 
>  bDeviceSubClass = 0x 
>  bDeviceProtocol = 0x 
>  bMaxPacketSize0 = 0x0008 
>  idVendor = 0x0764
>  idProduct = 0x0601   
>  bcdDevice = 0x0200   
>  iManufacturer = 0x0003   
>  iProduct = 0x0001  
>  iSerialNumber = 0x
>  bNumConfigurations = 0x0001
> Right now, I selected " Cyber Power Systems ups 3 OR2200LCDRM2U USB 
> (usbhid-ups)" in the dropdown menu, in order to shift away from 
> powerpanel-driver to usbhid-driver.

Thanks, good to know. PR6000LCDRTXL5U would probably also work.

> However, when choosing this driver, freenas shows this log:
> Nov 10 23:04:45 storageunit upsd[17599]: mainloop: Interrupted system call
> Nov 10 23:04:45 storageunit upsmon[17621]: upsmon parent: read
> I guess, interrupted system call shows up, because FreeNAS is already trying 
> to "read" a response from the battery from the previous attempt, however is 
> still waiting? So, basically, the output is "upsmon parent: read"... however, 
> this is all and there is no further output. But I think, there should be 
> further output, shouldn't it? (some sort like "link established 
> successfully").

Those are likely from the previous instances of upsd and upsmon - they look 
like the "errors" you get from sending SIGTERM to them.

The UPS drivers send their "connected" message to stdout, and they are not 
consistent about that, either. Pretty sure we have that logged as a bug.

Do you know the lowest syslog level FreeNAS logs by default? (debug, info, 
notice, etc. - see for the 
list, and it might be in /etc/syslog.conf)

> Meanwhile I tried connecting the UPS PR2200ELCDRT2U to pfSense system. 
> However, I'm receiving the same error there, too.
> Nov 10 13:59:45   upsmon   49323   Poll UPS 
> [PR2200ELCDRT2U] failed - Driver not connected
> Nov 10 13:59:40   upsmon   49323   UPS PR2200ELCDRT2U 
> is unavailable
> Nov 10 13:59:40   upsmon   49323   Poll UPS 
> [PR2200ELCDRT2U] failed - Driver not connected
> Nov 10 13:59:35   upsmon   49323   Communications 
> with UPS PR2200ELCDRT2U lost
> Nov 10 13:59:35   upsmon   49323   Poll UPS 
> [PR2200ELCDRT2U] failed - Driver not connected
> Nov 10 13:59:35   upsd  49831   User monuser@ logged 
> into UPS [PR2200ELCDRT2U]
> Nov 10 13:59:33   upsd  49831   Startup successful
> Nov 10 13:59:33   upsd  49649   Can't connect to UPS 
> [PR2200ELCDRT2U] (usbhid-ups-PR2200ELCDRT2U): No such file or directory
> (newest entry is at top)

Again, the upsd and upsmon messages are secondary results from the driver not 
starting. Are there any log messages that reference usbhid-ups (the process 
name for your driver)?
> So, back to FreeNAS, after selecting usbhid as driver, I ran following 
> commands from shell:
> - upsc PR2200ELCDRT2U@localhost
> - upscmd -l PR2200ELCDRT2U
> - upsrw PR220

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Cyberpower PR2200ELCDRT2U

2017-11-10 Thread Ben Kamen
On 11/10/2017 07:59 AM, Charles Lepple wrote:
> [please use reply-all to include the list. thanks!]
>> OS Name and Version: FreeNAS 11.0U4, no custom modifications
>> Cyberpower PR2200 Firmware: 4.520
>> RMCARD205 Firmware: 1.0.9
> for reference, I think this version of FreeNAS includes NUT 2.7.4.
> If this works with a different driver, would you please send a snapshot of 
> the information you get from upsc, upscmd and upsrw as mentioned here? 

If he's using the RMCARD205 (I think that's what I have) with the newer MIB2.0, 
that's the driver I mentioned on the dev list that I'm working on.

It supports a boatload of good stuff he 0.1 doesn't -- but it's not done yet. 
I've been battling client projects including one FPGA project with bugs both in 
the Xilinx FPGA IP and the Xilinx linux kernel driver that controls the FPGA 
IP. (yay)

I'm getting there though.


Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Cyberpower PR2200ELCDRT2U

2017-11-10 Thread Christoph Lampl

Value: 206  


Description unavailable 


Maximum length: 10  

Value: 20   


Description unavailable 


Maximum length: 10  

Value: 30


However, I have to admit, I'm unsure, if all this output is sufficient and 
correctly? As far as I remember, when using my old CP1500, there was some sort 
of status message showing that the link between FreeNAS and the battery was 
established successfully, however, the only thing I receive now at this point 
is "upsmon parent: read". I'm a bit unsure, what this means?

Thanks so much for all your help!


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Charles Lepple [] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 10. November 2017 15:00
An: Christoph Lampl 
Betreff: Re: [Nut-upsuser] Cyberpower PR2200ELCDRT2U

[please use reply-all to include the list. thanks!]

> On Nov 9, 2017, at 9:19 PM, Christoph Lampl  wrote:
> Hey guys, :)
> recently, I installed Cyberpower PR2200ELCDRT2U, however, I have not managed 
> to get this UPS working with FreeNAS 11, yet.
> According to compatibility list, PR2200 should work fine, when using 
> powerpanel driver:

Looking at the PR6000LCD... entry, it looks like PR*LCD models might be 
different than the older PR* ones.

What do you get from "sudo usbconfig dump_device_desc"? (You can trim any 
non-UPS data - I'm mostly interested in idVendor and idProduct. Also, if you 
don't want to share the full serial number, it would be good to know how many 
characters there are.)

I suspect this UPS will work with the usbhid-ups driver, or if not, it can be 
made to work with minor NUT configuration changes. I forget how you choose a 
"generic" USB connection in FreeNAS - maybe someone else can chime in on that 

> However, when trying to establish a connection between battery and FreeNAS 
> Server, either using usb cable or serial cable, I receive the same error 
> messages in the console of FreeNAS:
> Nov 10 03:01:37 storageunit root: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nut: WARNING: 
> failed precmd routine for nut

^ This command probably indicates that the NUT driver failed to start, so the 
NUT upsd process probably will not start, either.

> Nov 10 03:01:37 storageunit upsmon[8817]: UPS [PR2200ELCDRT2U]: 
> connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused Nov 10 03:01:37 
> storageunit upsmon[8817]: Communications with UPS PR2200ELCDRT2U lost

^ upsmon "Connection refused" errors (on FreeNAS, or other connections to 
localhost) are usually a consequence of upsd not starting, so this should 
resolve itself once you can get the driver running.

> I tried connecting to PR2200 using a Laptop with preinstalled Cyberpower 
> Personal Edition. Everything is working fine at this point and the software 
> displays battery details correctly! However, as soon as I try to establish a 
> connection between FreeNAS and Cyberpower PR2200, I receive these error 
> messages. I spent many hours in reconfiguring and trying new/different ports, 
> however, it looks like I’m going in the wrong direction, because I can’t get 
> this battery communicating with FreeNAS correctly.

I doubt this will be an issue here, but I w

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Cyberpower PR2200ELCDRT2U

2017-11-10 Thread Charles Lepple
[please use reply-all to include the list. thanks!]

> On Nov 9, 2017, at 9:19 PM, Christoph Lampl  wrote:
> Hey guys, :)
> recently, I installed Cyberpower PR2200ELCDRT2U, however, I have not managed 
> to get this UPS working with FreeNAS 11, yet.
> According to compatibility list, PR2200 should work fine, when using 
> powerpanel driver:

Looking at the PR6000LCD... entry, it looks like PR*LCD models might be 
different than the older PR* ones.

What do you get from "sudo usbconfig dump_device_desc"? (You can trim any 
non-UPS data - I'm mostly interested in idVendor and idProduct. Also, if you 
don't want to share the full serial number, it would be good to know how many 
characters there are.)

I suspect this UPS will work with the usbhid-ups driver, or if not, it can be 
made to work with minor NUT configuration changes. I forget how you choose a 
"generic" USB connection in FreeNAS - maybe someone else can chime in on that 

> However, when trying to establish a connection between battery and FreeNAS 
> Server, either using usb cable or serial cable, I receive the same error 
> messages in the console of FreeNAS:
> Nov 10 03:01:37 storageunit root: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nut: WARNING: failed 
> precmd routine for nut

^ This command probably indicates that the NUT driver failed to start, so the 
NUT upsd process probably will not start, either.

> Nov 10 03:01:37 storageunit upsmon[8817]: UPS [PR2200ELCDRT2U]: connect 
> failed: Connection failure: Connection refused
> Nov 10 03:01:37 storageunit upsmon[8817]: Communications with UPS 
> PR2200ELCDRT2U lost

^ upsmon "Connection refused" errors (on FreeNAS, or other connections to 
localhost) are usually a consequence of upsd not starting, so this should 
resolve itself once you can get the driver running.

> I tried connecting to PR2200 using a Laptop with preinstalled Cyberpower 
> Personal Edition. Everything is working fine at this point and the software 
> displays battery details correctly! However, as soon as I try to establish a 
> connection between FreeNAS and Cyberpower PR2200, I receive these error 
> messages. I spent many hours in reconfiguring and trying new/different ports, 
> however, it looks like I’m going in the wrong direction, because I can’t get 
> this battery communicating with FreeNAS correctly.

I doubt this will be an issue here, but I would recommend choosing the port you 
want to ultimately use (serial, USB, network) and making sure that it still 
works with Cyberpower's software before switching to NUT. Some older UPSes (and 
likely not even from Cyberpower) did not deal well with switching between 
ports, and required a power cycle to switch.

> OS Name and Version: FreeNAS 11.0U4, no custom modifications
> Cyberpower PR2200 Firmware: 4.520
> RMCARD205 Firmware: 1.0.9

for reference, I think this version of FreeNAS includes NUT 2.7.4.

If this works with a different driver, would you please send a snapshot of the 
information you get from upsc, upscmd and upsrw as mentioned here?


Nut-upsuser mailing list