Re: [Nut-upsuser] debian 8 "jessie" nut 2.7.2 slaves not shutting down
On Thu, 19 Oct 2017, Drew Plaster wrote: The topology is: UPS TOPAPC, Data link to master, Power supply to master, slave1 and slave2 UPS MIDAPC, Data link to master, Power supply to master, slave1 and slave2 UPS BOTAPC, Data link to master, Power supply to master, slave1 and slave2 Shutdown plan: When wall power fails for any of the three UPS units, they continue powering the master and the two slaves. When two of the UPS battery have been depleted and the last (MINSUPPLIES 1) UPS unit reaches the status [OB LB]. the two slaves are shut down, and then the master is shutdown and sends shutdown signal to UPS (#POWERDOWNFLAG /etc/killpower) has been temporarily remarked out in the masters upsmon.conf to test if the slaves would shutdown vai hotsync or deadtime. Anyway, that is how I was envisioning it functioning with the current config files; I may be mis-understanding something but that is the desired shutdown plan. Drew, it seems to me that your Shutdown plan means living dangerously! You have triplicated power backup for maximum system security, yet you let it run down until just one UPS is operational, and then only for a short time since it is in status [OB LB]. Are the three UPS units fed by the same utility, or by different sources? Case 1: They share the same utility and they are behaving as one huge UPS delivered in three separate boxes. Assuming they are of the same capacity and have the same load, they will run down at the same rate. In this case, perhaps it would be better to specify MINSUPPLIES 3 so that the first to go [OB LB] drives the shutdown. Perhaps the slaves will respond correctly to this. Case 2: They have different power sources. The logic in this case may be beyond what is possible with the NUT configuration files. You may need to use additional hardware such as an automatic power transfer switch, and/or implement your shutdown logic in a program (sometimes called upssched-cmd) called by the upssched.conf CMDSCRIPT directive. This would mean that the upsmon.conf NOTIFYCMD directive would point to upssched, and that upssched-cmd would be responsible for sysadmin notifications. I do not have any direct experience of a logic such as your Shutdown plan - perhaps other readers of this list have a deeper insight. Roger ___ Nut-upsuser mailing list
Re: [Nut-upsuser] debian 8 "jessie" nut 2.7.2 slaves not shutting down
Roger, The topology is: UPS TOPAPC, Data link to master, Power supply to master, slave1 and slave2 UPS MIDAPC, Data link to master, Power supply to master, slave1 and slave2 UPS BOTAPC, Data link to master, Power supply to master, slave1 and slave2 Shutdown plan: When wall power fails for any of the three UPS units, they continue powering the master and the two slaves. When two of the UPS battery have been depleted and the last (MINSUPPLIES 1) UPS unit reaches the status [OB LB]. the two slaves are shut down, and then the master is shutdown and sends shutdown signal to UPS (#POWERDOWNFLAG /etc/killpower) has been temporarily remarked out in the masters upsmon.conf to test if the slaves would shutdown vai hotsync or deadtime. Anyway, that is how I was envisioning it functioning with the current config files; I may be mis-understanding something but that is the desired shutdown plan. I don't know if this helps with anything but if I execute upsmon -c fsd on any of the three systems that system does shutdown but when I execute it on the master system it does not shutdown either of the slave systems. Drew Plaster | Systems Administrator 808 SW 3rd Avenue, Suite 300 | Portland, OR 97204 o: 503.415.2385 | c: 503.484.0168 | f: 503.415.2498 at Otak, we consider the environment before printing emails. Disclaimer: The information transmitted in this e-mail message and attachments, if any, may contain confidential material, and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. Distribution to, or review by, unauthorized persons is prohibited. In the event of the unauthorized use of any material in this transmission, neither Otak nor the sender shall have any liability and the recipient shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the sender, Otak and its principals, agents, employees and subconsultants from all related claims and damages. The recipient understands and agrees that any use or distribution of the material in this transmission is conditioned upon the acceptance of the terms stated in this disclaimer. If you have received this transmission in error, immediately notify the sender and permanently delete this transmission including attachments, if any. -Original Message- From: Nut-upsuser [] On Behalf Of Roger Price Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2017 2:49 AM To: nut-upsuser Mailing List Subject: Re: [Nut-upsuser] debian 8 "jessie" nut 2.7.2 slaves not shutting down On Wed, 18 Oct 2017, Drew Plaster wrote: > MASTER SYSTEM > > nut.conf > MODE=netserver > > ups.conf > [TOPAPC] > driver = usbhid-ups > port = auto > pollonly > serial = "IS1309002707" > desc = "TOPAPC" > [MIDAPC] > driver = usbhid-ups > port = auto >pollonly >serial = "IS1309001233" >desc = "MIDAPC" > [BOTAPC] > driver = usbhid-ups > port = auto >pollonly >serial = "IS1309001213" >desc = "BOTAPC" Just to be sure that I understand your topology: UPS TOPAPC, Data link to master, Power supply to master UPS MIDAPC, Data link to master, Power supply to slave1 UPS BOTAPC, Data link to master, Power supply to slave2 Shutdown plan: When wall power fails for any one of the three UPS units, they continue powering the master and the two slaves. When any one of the three UPS units reaches the status [OB LB]. the two slaves are shut down, and then the master is shutdown. Is this correct? Roger ___ Nut-upsuser mailing list ___ Nut-upsuser mailing list
Re: [Nut-upsuser] debian 8 "jessie" nut 2.7.2 slaves not shutting down
On Wed, 18 Oct 2017, Drew Plaster wrote: MASTER SYSTEM nut.conf MODE=netserver ups.conf [TOPAPC] driver = usbhid-ups port = auto pollonly serial = "IS1309002707" desc = "TOPAPC" [MIDAPC] driver = usbhid-ups port = auto pollonly serial = "IS1309001233" desc = "MIDAPC" [BOTAPC] driver = usbhid-ups port = auto pollonly serial = "IS1309001213" desc = "BOTAPC" Just to be sure that I understand your topology: UPS TOPAPC, Data link to master, Power supply to master UPS MIDAPC, Data link to master, Power supply to slave1 UPS BOTAPC, Data link to master, Power supply to slave2 Shutdown plan: When wall power fails for any one of the three UPS units, they continue powering the master and the two slaves. When any one of the three UPS units reaches the status [OB LB]. the two slaves are shut down, and then the master is shutdown. Is this correct? Roger ___ Nut-upsuser mailing list
Re: [Nut-upsuser] debian 8 "jessie" nut 2.7.2 slaves not shutting down
MASTER SYSTEM nut.conf MODE=netserver ups.conf [TOPAPC] driver = usbhid-ups port = auto pollonly serial = "IS1309002707" desc = "TOPAPC" [MIDAPC] driver = usbhid-ups port = auto pollonly serial = "IS1309001233" desc = "MIDAPC" [BOTAPC] driver = usbhid-ups port = auto pollonly serial = "IS1309001213" desc = "BOTAPC" upsd.conf LISTEN 3493 LISTEN 3493 upsd.users [admin] password = X actions = SET instcmds = ALL [user] password = X instcmds = ALL [upsmon] password = X upsmon master [upsmonslave] password = X upsmonslave slave [geaaetst01] password = X geaaetst01 slave [pdxvhtst02] password = X pdxvhtst02 slave upsmon.conf MONITOR TOPAPC@localhost 1 upsmon pass master MONITOR MIDAPC@localhost 1 upsmon pass master MONITOR BOTAPC@localhost 1 upsmon pass master MINSUPPLIES 1 SHUTDOWNCMD "/sbin/shutdown -h now" NOTIFYCMD /bin/notifynetadmins POLLFREQ 5 POLLFREQALERT 5 HOSTSYNC 15 DEADTIME 15 NOTIFYMSG ONLINE "UPS %s on line power" NOTIFYMSG ONBATT "UPS %s on battery" NOTIFYMSG LOWBATT "UPS %s battery is low" NOTIFYMSG FSD "UPS %s: forced shutdown in progress" NOTIFYMSG COMMOK "Communications with UPS %s established" NOTIFYMSG COMMBAD "Communications with UPS %s lost" NOTIFYMSG SHUTDOWN "Auto logout and shutdown proceeding" NOTIFYMSG REPLBATT "UPS %s battery needs to be replaced" NOTIFYMSG NOCOMM "UPS %s is unavailable" NOTIFYMSG NOPARENT "upsmon parent process died - shutdown impossible" NOTIFYFLAG ONLINE EXEC+SYSLOG+WALL NOTIFYFLAG ONBATT EXEC+SYSLOG+WALL NOTIFYFLAG LOWBATT EXEC+SYSLOG+WALL NOTIFYFLAG FSD EXEC+SYSLOG+WALL NOTIFYFLAG COMMOK EXEC+SYSLOG+WALL NOTIFYFLAG COMMBAD EXEC+SYSLOG+WALL NOTIFYFLAG SHUTDOWNEXEC+SYSLOG+WALL NOTIFYFLAG REPLBATTEXEC+SYSLOG+WALL NOTIFYFLAG NOCOMM EXEC+SYSLOG+WALL NOTIFYFLAG NOPARENTEXEC+SYSLOG+WALL RBWARNTIME 43200 NOCOMMWARNTIME 300 FINALDELAY 5 upssched.conf CMDSCRIPT /bin/upssched-cmd SLAVE SYSTEM (1) nut.conf MODE=netclient upsmon.conf MONITOR TOPAPC@ 1 geaaetst01 pass slave MONITOR MIDAPC@ 1 geaaetst01 pass slave MONITOR BOTAPC@ 1 geaaetst01 pass slave MINSUPPLIES 1 SHUTDOWNCMD "/sbin/shutdown -h now" POLLFREQ 5 POLLFREQALERT 5 HOSTSYNC 15 DEADTIME 15 RBWARNTIME 43200 NOCOMMWARNTIME 300 FINALDELAY 1 upssched.conf CMDSCRIPT /bin/upssched-cmd SLAVE SYSTEM (2) nut.conf MODE=netclient upsmon.conf MONITOR TOPAPC@ 1 pdxvhtst02 pass slave MONITOR MIDAPC@ 1 pdxvhtst02 pass slave MONITOR BOTAPC@ 1 pdxvhtst02 pass slave MINSUPPLIES 1 SHUTDOWNCMD "/sbin/shutdown -h now" POLLFREQ 5 POLLFREQALERT 5 HOSTSYNC 15 DEADTIME 15 RBWARNTIME 43200 NOCOMMWARNTIME 300 FINALDELAY 1 upssched.conf CMDSCRIPT /bin/upssched-cmd Drew Plaster | Systems Administrator 808 SW 3rd Avenue, Suite 300 | Portland, OR 97204 o: 503.415.2385 | c: 503.484.0168 | f: 503.415.2498 at Otak, we consider the environment before printing emails. Disclaimer: The information transmitted in this e-mail message and attachments, if any, may contain confidential material, and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. Distribution to, or review by, unauthorized persons is prohibited. In the event of the unauthorized use of any material in this transmission, neither Otak nor the sender shall have any liability and the recipient shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the sender, Otak and its principals, agents, employees and subconsultants from all related claims and damages. The recipient understands and agrees that any use or distribution of the material in this transmission is conditioned upon the acceptance of the terms stated in this disclaimer. If you have received this transmission in error, immediately notify the sender and permanently delete this transmission including attachments, if any. -Original Message- From: Nut-upsuser [] On Behalf Of Roger Price Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 12:54 PM To: nut-upsuser Mailing List Subject: Re: [Nut-upsuser] debian 8 "jessie" nut 2.7.2 slaves not shutting down On Wed, 18 Oct 2017,
Re: [Nut-upsuser] debian 8 "jessie" nut 2.7.2 slaves not shutting down
On Wed, 18 Oct 2017, Drew Plaster wrote: there are three APC smart ups connected via usb cables to the master system, the master system shuts down as expected but the slave systems never shutdown eventhough I believe that all the configs are properly set the slaves should either shutdown when there is only one ups and it is running low on battery power offline or worst case shutdown after they cannot communicate with the master for longer than the HOSTSYNC 15 or UPS for longer than the DEADTIME 15 Hi, Could you show us your NUT configuration files? Please omit the comments, and double spacing will not be needed. Roger Disclaimer: The information transmitted in this e-mail message and attachments, if any, may contain confidential material, and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above It's probably best not to send such a disclaimer to a public mailing list with hundreds of subscribers.___ Nut-upsuser mailing list