The *60th Captree Christmas Bird Count* was conducted on Sunday, December
18th, 2022. The count had an impressive showing of participants who
diligently covered their areas of the count circle which encompasses a
portion of southwestern Suffolk County on Long Island. The day began with
relatively calm weather (though cold) following a few days of high winds,
which ended up becoming somewhat warmer (though windier) as the day

In total, a healthy sum of 131 species were observed of 47,936
individual birds. This was 3 species above 2021's total and well above

The count of sea ducks were better than last year, though still below
average (i.e., fewer than 200 Surf Scoter, and fewer than 100 each of
White-winged and Black Scoter, 25 Common Eider, etc.), though the count for
Razorbill constituted a new high count for this CBC: 2,026 birds. Perhaps
owing to a string of cold and often tempestuous weather running up to count
day, some of our more regularly occurring/half-hardy species were tough to
find (i.e., only 1 Brown Thrasher, 1 Common Grackle, 1 Brown-headed
Cowbird, 8 Eastern Towhee, etc.) or completely absent (as in Common
Yellowthroat, Pine Warbler, etc.).

While some counts were below-average, there were some species which were
found in impressive numbers; either locally or for recent years (new high
counts are indicated by an asterisk): 2 Cackling Goose, 13,912 Greater
Scaup, 5 Harlequin Duck*, 2 Virginia Rail, 2,026 Razorbill*, 1,782
Bonaparte's Gull, 10 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 2 Iceland Gull, 786
Red-throated Loon*, 117 Double-crested Cormorant*, 8 Great Egret, 102 Great
Blue Heron, 9 Northern Saw-whet Owl*, 23 Belted Kingfisher, 8 Peregrine
Falcon, 3 American Kestrel, 87 Monk Parakeet*, 374 Fish Crow, 8 Marsh Wren,
227 Carolina Wren*, 17 Ruby-crowned Kinglet*, 151 Northern Mockingbird, & 4
Orange-crowned Warbler.

While the cumulative species total for this Count sits somewhere around
231, we are still slowly adding new species to that list. This year, we
were fortunate enough to add SUMMER TANAGER to the checklist of birds seen
on the Captree Count. A homeowner in the "North" Territory had hosted a
young male at his feeder for most of December, and it continued to at least
count day. A list of highlights (from the long list of great birds seen
that day) are listed below:

Cackling Goose - Fire & East
Harlequin Duck - Fire
Wild Turkey - Heckscher
Virginia Rail - East
Wilson's Snipe - Heckscher
Iceland Gull - Jones
Turkey Vulture - North
Northern Saw-whet Owl - Jones & Seatuck
Marsh Wren - Gardiner, Seatuck, & East
Eastern Bluebird - Connetquot
RED CROSSBILL - Connetquot
Purple Finch - North, Heckscher, & Connetquot
Pine Siskin - Fire & Jones
Lapland Longspur - Jones
White-crowned Sparrow - Heckscher
Palm Warbler - North, Belmont & East
Orange-crowned Warbler - Fire, Jones, Seatuck, & East
"Ipswich" Sparrow - Fire, Jones & Seatuck
Rusty Blackbird - Gardiner, Connetquot & East
Eastern Meadowlark - Heckscher & East

We were fortunate enough to hold an in-person compilation this year, which
had been a much-missed end to the count in these last few years. The dinner
and data-crunching took place at the Seatuck Environmental Association's
Scully Estate. As such we want to extend our gratitude to Seatuck for
hosting this event. The catered dinner was provided in part by Great South
Bay Audubon, for whom we are also extremely grateful.

We would also like to extend our gratitude to the New York State Parks
Department, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Town of Babylon. Our
relationship with these agencies permit count participants to access
various parks, wildlife refuges, etc. which may be typically restricted to
the public.

The results of this count will be shared with the Audubon Society, USFWS,
Great South Bay Audubon, and anyone else who requests a summary.

Thank you very much to all the counters who joined. Do not hesitate to
reach out if you're interested in joining this Christmas Bird Count for
next year- tentatively scheduled for Sunday, December 17, 2023!

Best wishes for the holiday season and a safe and happy new year!

Brent Bomkamp
Taylor Sturm
Captree CBC Compilers


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