By Wednesday eve. of April 3rd, hundreds of observers had come to see a 
Virginia Rail --stranded-- in Bryant Park for at least several days since first 
being publicly reported there, this is smack-dab in the middle of downtown 
Manhattan, N.Y. City one city block west of Times Square. The rail most 
recently in the sw quadrant of that park. It is a species that shows -or hides- 
both in that park and more-generally around Manhattan urban areas virtually 
each spring, and also is vastly more-common as a migrant than many realize. 
This is not a rare species, but is of course rather rarely-seen except by those 
who seek them out - or, to some extent, who have long worked in bird-rehab as 
well as on other urban-bird issues, just referring to the city that never 
sleeps, N.Y. City and specifically to Manhattan. At least one Purple Sandpiper 
was still present thru Mon., April 1st at a long-standing site this year, Pier 
26 on the Hudson river off lower Manhattan. Good numbers of amongst many other 
species, sparrows which lately included more-of White-throated Sparrow have 
been all around New York County, indicating initial movements of these. Many 
have been increasingly singing at times, as have Red Fox Sparrows also in good, 
if more-limited numbers and locations. Better chances for a lot more local 
migration come by at-least this Monday, and subsequently, if forecasting by 
meteorologists can be believed!

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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