The next Queens County Bird Club meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 
2024, at 7:30 PM at the Alley Pond Environmental Center, 229-10 Northern 
Boulevard, Douglaston, NY 11362.

Seth Ausubel and Mary Normandia will present "Hawk Migration (and other birds) 
in Tubac, AZ."
This presentation showcases migrating raptors and other birds seen near the 
Santa Cruz River in Southeast Arizona.  The Tubac Hawk Watch has provided many 
insights on the migration of the Common Black Hawk and other raptors rare in 
the USA and has become a destination for thousands of birders each year.  Seth 
Ausubel and Mary Normandia, who still live part time in Queens, have resided in 
Tubac since 2020 and have seen a lot of nice birds there.  They will share 
their experiences at this remarkable place.

Please arrive early since the front door must be locked after the meeting 

Marcia AbrahamsVP/Programs CoordinatorQueens County Bird 


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