The most remarkable thing in a morning's birding around the Brooklyn coast this 
morning was the count of 36 American Kestrels in the Floyd Bennett Field 
grasslands, which is by far the highest I have ever seen on the ground in one 
place on Long Island, echoing Doug Futuyma's recent large number out east. 
There had been good numbers of Kestrels around Floyd Bennett over the last 
couple of weeks, but the highest numbers being reported had been about a dozen 
or so, which is still reasonably high. I also counted 9 Red-necked Grebes from 
the Boat Ramp parking lot at Floyd. Singles of Great Cormorant and a probable 
Common Goldeneye were also notable.

At Coney Island Creek Park this morning, there were at least 11 (presumably 
newly arrived) Eastern Phoebes, which is a large number for such a small parcel 
of habitat, and there were also at least 4 more Eastern Phoebes around the 
vacant lot at 35th St. and the boardwalk in Coney Island, as well as  couple of 
more seen at different times flying very high over the concrete jungle in 
active migration. Calvert Vaux Park had ~40 Yellow-shafted Flickers, mostly 
feeding on the ground on the westernmost grass field.

Horned Grebes were also evident in large numbers, and displaying the full suite 
of plumages from winter plumage to full-on breeding plumage. I counted well 
over 100 from various points, despite the limited visibility early due to the 
smoke covering the area.

Good Birding
-Doug Gochfeld. Brooklyn, NY.


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