I had a fabulous time birding Alley Pond Park this morning.  The park was alive 
with songbirds.  I tallied 18 species of warbler, however, from conversations 
with two other birders there was actually 21 species, but I only recorded 18.  
The best bird of the day for me was a terrific view of a close foraging 
Bay-breasted warbler at eye-level which happened to be the third(!) individual 
of this species.  Other birds of note were Solitary Sandpiper(1), Black-billed 
Cuckoo, Veery(3), Swainson's Thrush(9), Gray-cheeked Thrush(1), Wood Thrush(1), 
Red-eyed and Warbling Vireos, Scarlet Tanagers(4), Lincoln's sparrows(2), and 
Baltimore Orioles(5).  The Lincoln's sparrows were feeding in the brush 
bordering the rather large rain puddle just off the main trail.  Warblers 
present during my three hour stay included:

Nashville warbler- 2
Northern Parula- too numerous to count
Yellow warbler- 1 near pond
Chestnut-sided warbler- 3
Magnolia warbler- 17
Black-throated Blue warbler- 9
Yellow-rumped warbler- 6
Black-throated Green warbler- 4
Blackburnian warbler- 4
Bay-breasted warbler- 3
Blackpoll warbler- 8
Black-and-white warbler- 1
American Redstart- 21
Ovenbird- 9
Northern Waterthrush- 3
Common Yellowthroat- 4
Wilson's warbler- 1 male
Canada warbler- 5

The other reported warblers which I did not see included Cape May, Mourning, 
and a brief look at a Kentucky warbler.
Vinny Pellegrino
East Northport, NY
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you've 
-Henry David Thoreau


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L

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