Hello Hudson Valley Birders,
For the third day in a row the 1st Year GLAUCOUS GULL was found on the waterfront in Newburgh.  Over the past three days the best time of the day to find the bird seemed to be from 3:00pm onward.  Today Curt and I and Joe Cullen and Barry Babcock met at the parking lot to the immediate south of Torches parking lot, left our cars and went out on the wooden pier just to our south with a loaf of old bread.  As we walked out on the pier i did not see the gull anywhere.  I started "chumming" into the river with the old bread and by the third toss I spotted the bird flying at me. Where it came from only God knows.  The bird remained in the immediate area perched on the pier,and on assorted pilings until 3:45pm when we all left the area.
Of additional interest is that we had a Ring-billed Gull land on the railing of the wooden pier and Barry notice that it had a metal band on it's left leg and on the right leg there was a blue band with white letters that read   "3HJ".
Best wishes and good birding all,
Ken McDermott
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