There was a report of a fairly well described possible female-type
Yellow-headed Blackbird from a couple of days ago along Gravesend Bay in
Brooklyn. It was hanging out in the large mixed Cowbird/Starling
aggregation that is often seen along the Belt Parkway adjacent to Gravesend
Bay during the winter months. The flock is not always easily viewable, but
it is sometimes ranging around the grass on either side of the "middle"
parking lot along the eastbound Belt Parkway, just east of the Verrazano
Bridge. Attempts to find the whole flock along the waterfront by several
birders over the last two days have failed, and they could well be inside
Fort Hamilton itself, though the streets just inland from that area, around
the VA Hospital, Dyker Beach Golf Course, and Poly Prep High School would
all be good places to check.

While hanging around the parking area yesterday morning, Shane Blodgett and
I observed a RED-NECKED GREBE out in the bay, not very far off shore. This
is annually one of the more reliable places in the area for this species.
Unfortunately Bonaparte's Gulls have been very scarce around the Brooklyn
waterfront recently, though Ring-billed Gull numbers have just shot up in a
very noticeable way (There were over 1000 at the Floyd Bennett Field boat
launch at dusk on Sunday, while there were barely 200 there the day before

Photos of the Le Conte's Sparrow from two days ago (the bird was not seen
today, despite coverage starting at sunrise, though with the wind and cold,
it could have been hunkered down in a slightly less exposed location.) can
be found here:

The Cassin's Kingbird wasn't seen either, despite some searching, and was
also undoubtedly sheltering itself from the unfavorable conditions.

-Doug Gochfeld. Brooklyn, NY.


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