Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Monday the day of solar eclipse, April 8th -

Of the American migratory warblers noted by many, many keen observers on the 
day there were these total numbers from all of the park -

Louisiana Waterthrush - minimum 4, probably more.
Palm Warbler - minimum 25, with more of fresh arrivals seeming to land in north 
sector of park.
Pine Warbler - minimum 12, with some additional females but mostly bright males.
Myrtle Warbler - that good-old is-new name, and just small numbers.

There were at least 70 species of wild birds seen on the day in and over 
Central Park, that being a collective tally from the many fine observers, 
including some guiding not-for-profit bird walks which at this time of year, 
are increasingly held, with many participants joining such walks.

Excellent bird sightings also continue from many additional locations around 
Manhattan and from New York County which encircles that isle plus two further 
sizable isles.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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