Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

A Mourning Warbler was studied at the "upper lobe" area of the lake  
shore in Central Park at the western edge of the Ramble area. The  
observer a very keen birder who once was more regular in Central, now  
a loyal Brooklyn-ite, the date was Friday, 20 August.
-  -  -  -  -  -  -
On Saturday, 21 August, I birded the park from the north end to Ramble  
areas in company with Brenda Inskeep and for most of the morning also  
with Tom Perlman (at the north end),  also a bit in the Ramble with  
others & also one other birder also checking the trees along the  
bridle path near the NW corner of the reservoir, which was a mid-day  
mini-hot spot. At least a dozen warbler species were found by us and  
the busiest locations seemed to be along the Loch, and in the Ramble  
along the Gill, with migrants more scattered elsewhere.  It didn't  
feel to me like a day of mass movement but the report filed by Jack  
Meyer, with Pat Craig, Barrie Raik, & Ellen Rockmuller for the north  
end and ~ 20 Eastern Kingbirds in a flock at one time suggests there  
was migration in progress.

For variety, it was warblers that held sway with at least a dozen  
warbler species being found of which I'm aware.  By far the most  
numerous of these and seen in many areas were American Redstart, with  
30+ seen in all areas & a minimum of 15+ in the north end only.  After  
them, Yellow (5+) & Black-and-white (6+) Warbler, Northern Waterthrush  
(6+) & Common Yellowthroat (5+) were most common, with others  
including Ovenbird (3), Canada (3), Blue-winged (2), Northern Parula  
(2), Tennessee (1), Black-throated Blue (adult male, Loch), and  
Prairie Warbler[s].

The Mourning Warbler seen on Friday was looked for by us on Saturday  
without success - it would have a lot of thick vegetation to hide in  
where seen but the sighting from Friday was said to be quite clear.   
Additional sightings for Saturday included Chimney Swifts in modest  
numbers, several Ruby-throated Hummigbirds, investigating red Cardinal  
Flower blooms in some areas & the Orange Jewelweed patches in a few  
others, along with Eastern Phoebe, Great Crested Flycatcher, Eastern  
Wood-Pewee, at least several Empidonax-genus flycatchers, the  
aforementioned E. Kingbirds plus a few more of them, a smattering of  
Vireos, Warbling & Red-eyed noted by us, a Veery or two along with  
Wood & an unid. Thrush that may have been a Swainson's or another of  
our eastern-breding Catharus, Gray Catbirds in the multitudinous, Rose- 
breasted Grosbeak, and a few interesting mentions of other passerines  
which for now, remain undisclosed - as to specific identities given,  
by their observers.
-  -  -  -
Sunday, not quite an all day rain-out in Manhattan, featured a similar  
variety of birds as Saturday but with the interesting addition of some  
shorebird activity: Greater Yellowlegs (quite uncommon in the park) at  
the Lake edge near Balcony Bridge, and 3 Solitary plus 10 or more  
Spotted Sandpipers in many locations.  I found 8 warbler species,  
again with American Redstart predominant.  There were a few more Veery  
seen this wet day than Saturday and also on both days were no shortage  
of Baltimore Orioles, including fair numbers of adult males.
-  -  -  -
- -
At Brooklyn's Prospect Park, the warbler species tally was up to at  
least ten for Saturday, with some of the same additional species as  
being found in Central - various flycatchers and a few Rose-breasted  
Grosbeaks & more.  Forster's Terns at Prospect Lake were reportedly up  
to eight as noted in Alex Wilson's list, added to the blog maintained  
by Peter Dorosh of Brooklyn.

Good birding,

Tom Fiore,

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L

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