Central Park NYC
Sunday March 3, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen m.ob.

Highlights on a beautiful, warm, spring-like morning: Wood Duck, Common 
Merganser, Pied-billed Grebe. Common Loon, Cooper's Hawk, Brown Thrasher, 
Eastern Towhee. 

Canada Goose - 150-200
Wood Duck - 1 male Lake near the Point
Northern Shoveler - 160-170
Mallard - 10
Bufflehead - 18
Hooded Merganser - 9-10
Common Merganser - 2 Reservoir
Ruddy Duck - 3
Pied-billed Grebe - 1 southeast Reservoir
Mourning Dove - 20-25
American Coot - 5
Herring and Ring-billed Gulls - around 30
Great Black-backed Gull - 4
Common Loon - 1 Reservoir
Cooper's Hawk - 2 (Evodia Field, Turtle Pond)
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 flyover
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Blue Jay - 6-8
American Crow - 2-4
Brown Thrasher - 1 south side Turtle Pond (Caren Jahre)
American Robin - 10-15
House Finch - 4 or 5, some singing
White-throated Sparrow - 20-30
Eastern Towhee - 1 male Shakespeare Garden (Kris Mirasola)
Red-winged Blackbird - 3-5
Common Grackle - 10-15
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

Other taxa: a Coyote appeared near the Turtle Pond island again this morning, 
spotted by Kris Mirasola. This is probably the animal we saw last week.

On Friday evening, March 1st, @r2junot made a thermal video of a large owl, 
probably a Barred Owl, in Central Park, posted to twitter.com, a.k.a. X here:


Deb Allen


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