It's great to get out birding in the cold during the holiday season . It helps shake off some of the gastronomical excesses of the season. Today, I was able to get out to Northern Sullivan County.

On Hunter Road I had Redpolls flying over in a couple of different spots, 8 Snow Buntings, 2 Ravens and a calling Great Horned Owl. On Blue Hill Road, a house with feeders had 36 nearby Evening Grosbeaks! They were in two trees across the road from the house, calling away. I continued on Blue Hill Road but the driving conditions were very iffy, so I turned around and went into Grahamsville.

Near Grahamsville, I couldn't find the Northern Shrike located by Scott Baldinger on Friday on the little league ballfields on 55A. I had a Brown Creeper, a flyover Common Merganser, and 3 Black Ducks on the reservoir.

On Muhtig Road on the way back to Liberty, there were 3 more Snow Buntings. I didn't have time to check out all the spots, but was very content with the results.

Thanks to Scott for prompting me to get out there.

Merry Christmas to all!

- Tom Preston


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